E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1341
Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling
Cyber Attacks with the Computer Security Incident Response
Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector
Lingga Dwiaji
, Agung Mulyo Widodo
, Gerry Firmansyah
, Budi Tjahyono
Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia
E-mail: Lingga.dwiaji@gmail.com
*Correspondence: Lingga.dwiaji@gmail.com
Knowledge Management,
Cyber Attack, CSIRT.
Cyber attacks are a genuine threat that has emerged due to
the evolution of a more dynamic and complex global
strategic environment. In Indonesia, several cyber attacks
target various government infrastructure sectors. The
National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) predicts
Indonesia will face approximately 370.02 million cyber
attacks in 2022. The majority of cyber attacks target the
government administration sector. The National Cyber and
Crypto Agency (BSSN) officially formed a Computer
Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) to tackle the
rampant cybercrime cases. CSIRT is an organisation or team
that provides services and support to prevent, handle, and
respond to computer security incidents. The current CSIRT
does not have a data storage process and forensic
preparation. CSIRT will repeat the procedure, and so on.
This is a repeating procedure; the attack will occur once, and
only a technical problem will arise. Therefore, the research
entitled "Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for
Handling Cyber Attacks with the Computer Security
Incident Response Team (CSIRT)" is expected to implement
this Knowledge Management Strategy to manage existing
knowledge so that it can make it easier for the CSIRT team
to handle cyber attacks that occur.
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The rapid development of technology today has resulted in the high development
of cybercrime (Sari, 2018). The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) noted that
Indonesia experienced 370.02 million cyber attacks in 2022 (Firmansyah & Yuswanto,
2022). This figure climbed by 38.72% over the previous year when 266.74 million cyber
attacks were documented in the country since the second quarter (July-December). In
2023, there will be an average of 3.727 million daily attacks. BSSN identified five areas
frequently associated with cyber security incidents: government, health, banking,
information and communications technology, and transportation (Mahendra & Pinatih,
Lingga Dwiaji, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahyono
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1342
To tackle the increasing number of cybercrime cases occurring, by Presidential
Regulation Number 18 of 2020 concerning RPJMN 2020-2024, the National Cyber and
Crypto Agency (BSSN) officially formed a Computer Security Incident Response Team
(CSIRT). CSIRT is an organisation or team that provides specialised services and support
to prevent, address, and respond to computer security incidents (Islami, 2018). BSSN
directs each industrial sector to have its own CSIRT and coordinate with BSSN regarding
cyber attack information so that it can detect it as quickly as possible and prevent further
incidents from occurring, one of which is in the aviation transportation sector (Kristiyono,
According to (Alfikri & Ahmad, 2022), Implementation of the Policy for
Establishing a Cyber Incident Response Team to Support Information Security in the
Government Sector shows that although the target for establishing CSIRT in the
government sector in 2024 has reached 52%, the target for establishing CSIRT in the
government sector in 2024 has reached 52%. CSIRT in the government sector in 2024
will reach 52%. Implementing BSSN Regulation No.10 of 2020 is still not optimal
regarding policy content and implementation context. The main obstacle was a lack of
information security awareness; CSIRT in this sector still had problems, including a lack
of understanding of handling and testing defence and storing and preparing data. When
the attack reappeared, CSIRT did not have summary data on cyber attack procedures,
whether this attack had occurred before, or how to handle each attack (Solehudin et al.,
2023). Therefore, procedures for handling cyber attacks became ineffective. To drive
better platform security performance in the future, organisations need to manage
knowledge regarding reporting and handling cyber incidents that have occurred
(Kaburuan, 2022).
So that this repetitive procedure does not continue to occur, Knowledge
Management (KM) is needed to manage knowledge related to cyber-attacks and defence.
All attacks are then carried out with good handling preparations so that repeated incidents
do not occur (HUTAURUK, 2023). Therefore, in the research entitled Analysis of
Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling Cyber Attacks with the Computer
Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector. It is
envisaged that deploying this knowledge management system will enable the
management of existing knowledge, allowing the CSIRT team to handle cyber threats in
the transportation industry more efficiently, especially air transportation.
Table 1
Previous Study
Nama Penulis
Research Title
Research Result
Knowledge management for
incident response teams
Analysing the
application of KM
in assisting the
incident response
team at Masaryk
Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling Cyber Attacks with the
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1343
Mooi, R. D.,
& Botha, R.
A. (2016)
A Management Model for Building a
Computer Security Incident
Response Capability
Development of
model to form a
Computer Security
Incident Response
Team (CSIRT)
with the ITIL
Gabriel Joy2
Knowledge Management Strategy
for Handling Cyber Attacks in E-
Commerce with Computer
Security Incident Response Team
(CSIRT) ISSN Online: 2153-1242
analysing the
implementation of
strategies in
helping handle
cyber attacks
carried out by the
Commerce team
Steinke, J.,
Bolunmez, B.,
Fletcher, L.,
Wang, V.,
Repchick, K.
M., Tetrick, L.
E. (2015)
Improving Cybersecurity Incident
Response Team Effectiveness Using
Teams-Based Research
Research on
Improving the
Effectiveness of
Cyber Incident
Response Teams
Using Team-
Based Research
Haidar; Yudho
Giri Sucahyo;
Arfive Gandhi
Analysis of Csirt Services in Facing
Cyber Security Challenges in
Analyse how
CSIRT Services
(Fernandes et
al., 2021),
Adaíl, Santos,
Conference on
Cyber Warfare
and Security
A Strategy for Implementing an
Incident Response Plan
Discusses the
challenges of
implementing the
CSIRT team's
strategic plan in
handling cyber
Orissa Octaria,
Dr. Ermatita,
M. Kom
Analisis Knowledge Management
dengan Metode Inukshuk
Implementation of
Management using
the Inshulk Model
Lingga Dwiaji, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahyono
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1344
(Prabaswari et
al., n.d.)
Evaluasi Implementasi Kebijakan
Pembentukan Tim Tanggap Insiden
Siber pada Sektor Pemerintah
Discusses the
results of the
evaluation of
implementation in
the government
Research Methods
The research method used is qualitative research, namely the Case Study Method.
With an analysis method using Fishbone problem analysis (cause and effect), GAP as is
& To be Condition analysis and Value chain analysis to form a knowledge management
strategy analysis.
Results and Discussions
Problem Analysis with Fishbone Diagrams
Figure 1 Analysis Fishbone
Table 2
Problem analysis
Problem analysis
The root of the Problem
The CSIRT team had difficulty
finding solutions when encountering
problems and had to ask other or
experienced teams.
Solution knowledge is still in tacit form.
The CSIRT team often carries out
repeated analyses of incidents that
have occurred before.
There is no record of incident handling
Knowledge and information on
handling incidents is difficult to find
and unstructured.
Existing knowledge is not managed well.
Every problem experienced by the CSIRT Team in handling incidents that were
less than optimal was caused by several problems, such as repeated analysis and problem-
solving of incidents that had occurred before, as well as knowledge and incident reports
Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling Cyber Attacks with the
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1345
that the CSIRT Team does not manage.
GAP Analysis As Is & Becoming Condition
Figure 2
Analysis As Is & Becoming Condition
Knowledge Management Recommendations
The results of the data gap analysis will then be explained with the results of the
analysis using Value Chain. This analysis will be described in the following table:
Figure 3 KM Value Chain
Table 3
KM Value ChainKM Process and Enabler
KM Activities
Activities refer to developing new
knowledge from data, information, or
previous knowledge.
Knowledge Storing
Activities of storing and retrieving
existing knowledge in various forms of
component structures, knowledge,
codification of knowledge, and storage of
knowledge for organisational memory
Knowledge Sharing
Activities in which explicit or tacit
knowledge is communicated to other
Lingga Dwiaji, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahyono
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1346
Activities that use actual knowledge that
can be used to adjust strategic direction,
solve new problems, and increase
Support in the form of technology or
tools to support organisational
People Competency
The ability of individuals involved in the
organisation to carry out their primary
KM Process
The KM process consists of 4 parts: creating, storing, sharing, and utilising
knowledge. The following activities must be carried out in each KM Process to handle
cyber incidents at CSIRT in the local aviation sector.
Knowledge Creation
Knowledge creation is the activity most often defined as a KM strategy. This is
consistent with the alignment of knowledge development in support of effective KM
management. Nothing can be managed without information. True courage cannot be
developed without an adequate knowledge-generating process. Therefore, the
development of knowledge is the main activity in KM.
At this stage, each CSIRT team collects tacit and explicit knowledge. After that, the
knowledge collected is classified by the level of existing knowledge or information,
whether in the form of tacit or explicit knowledge. More detailed steps are as follows:
1) Classification of Application of Knowledge
At this stage, the existing knowledge and information are classified according to
their level, whether in the form of tacit or explicit knowledge. Knowledge creation is
applied using the SECI model (socialisation, externalisation, combination, and
2) Create a Tree of Knowledge
The knowledge collected and classified is mapped into a decision tree model or
knowledge tree. At this stage, a category type is created for each existing information as
Figure 4. Knowledge Classification
Incident Type
Incident Level
Nomor Incident
Isi (Mitigasi)
Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling Cyber Attacks with the
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1347
Incident Type
Incident Type contains the initial Knowledge category. Knowledge categories
include ATO (Account et al.), ransomware, Phishing, etc.
Incident Level
Incident Level is a subsection of Incident Type; incident level contains the
classification of incident levels for each category, such as Low, Medium, High, and
Critical. This level of determination refers to the severity of the cyber security risk.
Incident Number
This Incident Number refers to the classification of incident report documents
where the number has been specified in the classification code name and predetermined
contents (Mitigation)
The content is detailed knowledge; this section contains mitigation steps to handle
cyber incidents in text and document form. Here is an example of a knowledge tree that
has been classified based on Incident Type, Level, Number, & Content:
Figure 5 Knowledge Tree
Knowledge Storing
The second knowledge process defines knowledge storage as storing and retrieving
knowledge in many forms, including component structures, knowledge, knowledge
codification, and knowledge storage for organisational memory.
Any knowledge generated by the KM process must be processed first and then stored in
a predetermined structure. After creating standard documentation at the Knowledge
Creation level, the CSIRT team needs to define the structure of the database components.
The database component structure is a knowledge structure organised by tacit or
explicit information that is then transformed into a structured form.
All documentation standards were divided into two parts. The first part is explicit: storing
data containing incident data, incident points, incident impact, severity of the incident,
Lingga Dwiaji, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahyono
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1348
tools used, and metadata of all existing processes. Then the second part is storing
knowledge in tacit form, namely cyber incident handling activities. Tacit knowledge is
then externalised into explicit knowledge. The two parts can be stored simultaneously in
a structured form for easy processing.
Knowledge Sharing
The third KM process is Knowledge Sharing, which decides how knowledge will
be transferred or communicated to individuals inside the organisation. People in
organisations are the primary providers and consumers of knowledge management.
This activity focuses on developing skills in knowledge distribution. Because all
knowledge is now explicit, the dissemination process can be streamlined. The knowledge
recorded in the form of incident data, incident points, incident impact, incident severity,
tools utilised, metadata, and activities from all existing processes is consolidated into a
single knowledge base. The storage provided can be a single platform, making it easier
for users to access this knowledge.
Knowledge Utilizing
KM is an appropriate concept in this activity since it involves knowledge. This is
correct because the idea behind employing this concept is that it can aid with work and
activities. By setting KM Goals, it is hoped that the knowledge transferred can be used to
carry out Business Process Reengineering and Business Process Improvement on old
business processes.
This KM Activity might be an application focusing on incident diagnosis and
prevention. Occurrence diagnostics is a method that identifies the type of occurrence and
the underlying causes. By having an incident diagnosis, the current KM Goal can be
achieved, namely avoiding repeated incidents because the CSIRT team knows the root of
the problem that causes the incident to occur. On the other hand, incident prevention is a
development procedure to avoid events that might occur and can handle the same events
that have been handled before. So, Incident Diagnostic and Incident Prevention provide
benefits for companies because they can reduce costs due to cyber incidents by reducing
work on handling cyber incidents and avoiding the risk of incidents occurring.
KM Enabler
KM Enablers consists of 2 parts: technological infrastructure and human resource
competence. Each must carry out the following activities:
1) Technology Infrastructure
Technological infrastructure is essential as it can catalyse the KM process. We can
cross space, time and language boundaries with good technological infrastructure. Apart
from that, the use of technology can also reduce production costs when developing a KM
KM Infrastructure's contribution to this research comes in the form of advice for
establishing an online knowledge base. Preparing reliable supporters can help support
using knowledge bases as a medium for knowledge-sharing activities. Especially when
adapting to change, the CSIRT team needs rapid development in managing knowledge.
The knowledge exchange process can be faster and more effective because it is hosted
Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling Cyber Attacks with the
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1349
online so that anyone and anywhere the CSIRT team can use and store knowledge,
allowing the CSIRT team to use and store knowledge from anywhere. As a result, the
organisational development process at local Indonesian aviation companies will improve,
thereby increasing the organisation's worth.
2) People's Competency
Human resource competency is a critical component for everyone involved in the
firm. Each person's competency is evaluated based on their ability to perform their
primary job. With the proper people in the right roles, the company should be able to
achieve its objectives effortlessly.
At this stage, local Indonesian aviation companies, primarily the Information
Security division, must conduct competency training for each CSIRT team based on the
team's responsibility. There is a need for a cyber competence-specific SOP document that
will help to execute a more structured and effective human resource competency
Knowledge Base Design
At this stage, the results of the KM value chain analysis above make
recommendations for designing a knowledge base to manage various knowledge related
to cyber handling for the CSIRT team.
Use Case Diagram
Figure 4 Usecase Diagram
In the use case diagram above, the admin has several activities such as viewing
knowledge, inputting knowledge, editing knowledge, deleting knowledge, managing
accounts, viewing the knowledge request list and confirming the addition of knowledge
from users. The admin can carry out all of these activities by logging in first. In contrast,
the user carries out several activities, such as viewing Knowledge, viewing the
Knowledge Request list, and adding Knowledge, which the admin will later confirm
before inputting it into the system; users can only do these activities after logging in first.
Admin Activity Menu
uc Use Case Model
Knowledge (Input,
Edit, Delete)
Melihat Request
List Knowledge
Mengelola Akun
Melihat Knowledge
Add & Request
Melihat Requst List
«i nclud
«i nclud
«i nclud
«i nclud
«i nclud
«i nclud
«i nclud
«i nclud
«i nclud
Lingga Dwiaji, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahyono
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1350
Figure 5. admin System Flow
User Activity Menu
Figure 6. User System Flow
User Acceptent Testing
Apart from using black box testing, a User Acceptance Test (UAT) will be carried
out at this testing stage. This test is carried out so that the system results match what the
user wants.
Here are the testing stages:
This test uses a questionnaire to get the results. This test is used to assess the
system in terms of system benefits, system appearance, and system feasibility.
The respondents' questionnaires will later be calculated using the Likert Scale
method. The Likert scale measures a person or group's perception, attitude or opinion
regarding social events or phenomena based on operational definitions that researchers
have determined. When using the Likert scale, there are two forms of questions: positive
questions to measure the positive scale and negative questions to measure the negative
scale. Positive questions were scored 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, while negative forms of questions
were given scores of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
BPMN Alur Menu Sistem User
Menu Halaman Utama
Menu Login
Menu Halaman Utama
Menu Contact
Menu Knowledge
Menu Logout
Menu List
Menu Request
Menu Request List
Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling Cyber Attacks with the
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1351
Formula: T x Pn
Q: Total number of respondents who voted
Pn: Likert score number selection
In answering the questionnaire with calculations using the Likert scale,
respondents answered on the microform by selecting one of the radio buttons on each
question. The questionnaire that respondents have filled out is given a score for each
answer, as shown in the table below:
Table 4
Assessment Weights
Strongly agree
Less agree
Strongly disagree
Table 5
UAT Results
Does the system fulfil
the need for CSIRT?
Are all expected
features and functions
of the system sound
for CSIRT?
Is the appearance
system easy for CSIRT
to use?
is with exists system.
This can help the
CSIRT team look for
the knowledge you
Ia system This can
accessed When, or is
there a limitation time
Based on the results of the calculation above, it can be concluded as follows:
1. P strongly agree: 23 * 5 = 115
2. P agree: 25 * 4 = 100
3. P less agree: 2 * 3 = 6
4. P disagree : 0 * 2 = 0
5. P strongly disagree : 0 * 1 = 0
Lingga Dwiaji, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahyono
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1352
Total Score = 221
After that, a search is carried out on the interpretation results by giving the highest
score (Y) and the lowest score (X) with the following formula:
X = lowest Likert score * number of respondents * number of questions
X = 1*10*5 = 50
Y = highest Likert score * number of respondents * number of questions
u = 5 * 10 * 5 = 250
After determining the highest and lowest values, a search is conducted to find the
interval and per cent interpretation using the method of finding the per cent score interval
(I) with the following formula.
I = 100 / total Likert scores
I = 100/5
= 20
So, the distance interval from lowest to highest is 20. Here are the criteria for
interpreting scores based on intervals.
A. Figure 0% - 19.99 = Strongly disagree
B. Figure 20% - 39.99% = Disagree
C. Figure 40% - 59.99% = Enough
D. Figure 60% - 79.99% = Agree
E. Number 80% - 100% = Strongly Agree
After that, a search is carried out using the % index formula.
Index % = Total Score / Y * 100
The % index results for respondents are as follows.
Index% = 221/250 * 100
= 88%
From this research, after analysing the gaps between current and expected
conditions, there are two gaps: the absence of reporting, direct handling, and the absence
of management of repeated threats from cyber attacks in the future; after carrying out gap
analysis and value chain mapping to form a KM strategy. The result is that there are 4
KM Processes and 2 KM Enablers in achieving the KM Goal. The KM processes are
Creation, Storage, Knowledge Sharing, and Knowledge Utilization. Meanwhile, KM
Enabler has a technological infrastructure and human resources competency. With all the
components in the KM Value Chain, it is hoped that the two KM Goals, namely the same
cyber incident, can be immediately reported and handled and that cyber incidents will not
occur again in the management and reporting of cyber incidents. This Knowledge
Management Strategy Analysis can help the local Indonesian Aviation Information
Security Unit CSIRT team overcome and manage cyber incidents better.
Analysis of Knowledge Management Strategies for Handling Cyber Attacks with the
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the Indonesian Aviation Sector
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