E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1294
The Complex Dynamics of Agricultural Taxation in
Developing Countries-Insights from Indonesia
Rio Fernando Alexander
, Twee Leony Bintang Yuristine
Universitas Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
, Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
E-mail: rio.fernando21@ui.ac.id
, tweeleonybintang@students.undip.ac.id
*Correspondence: rio.fernando21@ui.ac.id
Agricultural taxation; Tax
compliance; Developing
Indonesia's agricultural sector plays a vital role in its
economy, contributing significantly to its Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) while facing challenges in tax revenue
collection due to the dominance of micro and small-scale
players. The research framework combines insights from
various scholarly sources, including Scopus and Google
Scholar, to provide a holistic understanding of the dynamics
of agricultural taxation. The review reveals a nuanced
landscape in which tax policy impacts market dynamics,
welfare outcomes, and historical trends in the agricultural
sector. This synthesis highlights the importance of balancing
efficiency and fairness in the tax system, given the specific
needs of agricultural producers. In addition, the analysis
delves into the complexities of tax design, emphasising the
interplay between tax rates, emissions, investments, and
perceptions of fairness. This paper identifies opportunities
for future research, including exploring regional variations in
the impact of tax knowledge, assessing the effectiveness of
tax audit approaches, and examining innovative tax
management tools for agricultural enterprises. Overall, the
study contributes to understanding the dynamics of
agricultural taxation and provides insight for policymakers
looking to optimise tax policies in developing countries.
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Agriculture plays a strategic role in the Indonesian economy, serving as its
backbone and contributing significantly to the nation's economic foundationespecially
to PDB and the survival of the society (Lubis & Salsabila, 2024). The agricultural value-
added within the agricultural sector has shown a consistent upward trajectory, from 23.57
billion USD in 1960 to 143.78 billion USD by 2018 (Apip Alansori & Erna Listyaningsih,
2020). Despite the relatively high Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the agricultural sector
finds itself among the undertaxed sectors, sectors whose contribution to GDAuditP (Gross
Domestic Product) surpasses the corresponding tax revenues, alongside the construction
and the mining sector. The agricultural sector contributes 12.4 per cent to the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), but its contribution to taxation is only 1.4 per cent (Buletin
The Complex Dynamics of Agricultural Taxation in Developing Countries - Insights
from Indonesia
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APBN, 2023).
The low contribution of the agricultural sector to Indonesia’s taxation is because
the predominant playerswho simultaneously function as taxpayersare in the micro
and small classes, making the agricultural sector one of the hard-to-tax sectors (The
Directorate General of Taxes, 2021). Most of the agricultural workers come from rural
areas (Masyhur, 2016) with poor levels of economy (according to Indonesian standards)
and sole source of income (Septiadi & Nursan, 2020). Moreover, the income of the
labourers working in the agricultural sector is meagre (Arham & Dai, 2020) due to the
low agricultural land ownership (less than 0.5 ha) per family. This condition explains why
the agricultural sector contributes truly little to Indonesia’s taxation: the more educated,
healthier, and have an average or above average standard of living, the higher the
willingness to pay more taxes (Schipor et al., 2019), while the condition in Indonesia is
far from the average.
As one of the developing countries, Indonesia also faces several problems, similar
to many other developing countries, such as unintegrated tax structures, inadequate
administration systems, and instability in economics and governance. The combination
of the characteristics of agricultural players and Indonesia’s condition made the low tax
revenue collection from the agricultural sector very reasonable.
The Uniqueness of Tax Approaches in the Agricultural Sector
Even though the food sector is vital in the economy, agricultural sectors have not
received much attention in the tax literature (Cnossen, 2018). As the world moves on,
new research shows that agricultural tax is a tool to encourage economic players in the
agricultural sector to distribute more of their resources to investment rather than personal
consumption, leading to unbiased redistribution of wealth. In recent years, there has been
increased scholarly focus on the taxation of the informal sector in developing countries.
Taxation has globally proven itself as a strategic approach for funding modern
civilisation's social and economic development, owing to its significant ability for
revenue mobilisation. Developed nations, including the United States of America, the
Netherlands, Canada, and the United Kingdom, have effectively used robust taxation
systems to generate adequate annual revenues. The conditions are different in developing
countries. Besides developing robust taxation systems, these countries could not ignore
the potential taxation sector, including the hard-to-tax-like agricultural sector.
There are four different purposes for the government to tax the agricultural sector:
(i) to generate revenues that can be utilised to finance government expenditures; (ii) to
transfer resources, particularly agricultural surplus, from the agricultural sector to non-
agricultural sectors; (iii) to foster efficiency and encourage diversification in agricultural
production; and (iv) to facilitate the redistribution of incomes within the agricultural
sector. Taxation in the agricultural sector of developing countries has proven to be a
significant source of revenue mobilisation.
However, levying taxes on the agricultural sector presents challenges, as
highlighted by Soliwoda & Pawłowska-Tyszko, 2014. Despite the inherent difficulties in
taxing the informal sector, Nasim (2012) proposed two different strategies for taxing the
agricultural sector: (1) imposing a tax on cultivated land and (2) implementing a tax on
agricultural income. This strategy has different perspectives from the European Union,
where the European Union is trying to tax the agricultural sector through the value-added
tax (VAT) with three different options for VAT treatment. Explicit taxes on agricultural
producers are included in (1) direct taxes on income, whether actual or presumed,
individuals (heads of households), and personal movable and immovable wealth or
Rio Fernando Alexander, Twee Leony Bintang Yuristine
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property, with a particular focus on agricultural land; and (2) indirect taxes, including
sales taxes (such as GST and VAT), turnover tax, excises, stamp duties, cesses applied to
specific products, customs duties, and export taxes.
Additionally, Soliwoda and Pawłowska-Tyszko (2014) categorise revenue, income,
and property taxes as the primary types of agricultural taxes. According to these authors,
revenue tax is realised when tax is imposed on cultivation and land ownership proceeds.
The tax is contingent on gross revenue, encompassing all proceeds without deducting
incurred expenses. Farmers are bound to pay the revenue tax irrespective of whether they
generate a surplus from their enterprise.
On the other hand, property tax is levied based on the size of agricultural land,
implying that larger farm sizes incur higher taxes and vice versa. Furthermore, income
tax is imposed according to the farmer's income group. Maintaining a robust financial
record eases the exact assessment and imposition of income tax, enabling farmers to
manage the tax burden effectively.
In the context of Ghana, efforts to stimulate investment in economically
disadvantaged regions involve reducing tax rates as incentives for agro-processing and
manufacturing enterprises. Furthermore, companies working in designated free zones
enjoy ten years of tax holidays. In Ghana, specific durations of tax exemptions are granted
to agro-processing enterprises, tree crops, and livestock farming, amounting to three, ten,
and five years, respectively.
Research Methods
The paper aims to see different perspectives on some factors in tax compliance and
then reflect on Indonesia’s agricultural conditions. The selected factors are economic
factors and non-economic factors.
The literature search was confined to the Scopus database, a resource subscribed to
and provided by the author’s university library, chosen for its reputation and high quality.
Scopus is widely used as one of the primary sources when conducting literature reviews
(Casino et al., 2019). The Scopus database was selected to ensure a comprehensive
coverage of relevant articles. The search was not constrained by any specified period to
avoid limiting the opportunity to incorporate relevant studies into the literature review.
The author conducted the search using keywords such as ”farmer AND tax AND
compliance,”” informal AND tax AND compliance,” or ”informal AND tax AND
compliance AND factors.” The total search resulted in 192 published articles. After
removing duplicate entries, this procedure yielded a preliminary sample of 180 published
articles. To ensure the quality and relevance of the research, the author applied filtering
by keeping only those articles published in journals listed in either the "Accounting,"
The Complex Dynamics of Agricultural Taxation in Developing Countries - Insights
from Indonesia
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"Finance," “Economics,” or “Social Sciences” subsections, which leads to 175
publications. Because the author is focusing on influencing factors in the agricultural
sector, the author excluded all articles that were either out of the scope (-37), not empirical
(-15), and did not fit the criteria (-7). The author then chooses the articles manually by
analysing the titles/abstracts and the contents, which leads to 4 final articles.
Moreover, to enrich the literature, the author uses Google Scholar as the added
source since this paper uses five factors as the literature reviews, where each factor is
taken from at least four papers, which leads to 20 final papers.
Results and Discussions
Summary from earlier literature
A farmer is an individual engaged in agriculture, primarily in managing land to
cultivate and maintain crops such as rice, fruits, flowers, and others. This activity is
carried out with the expectation of obtaining yields from these crops for personal use or
sale to others. Farmers may also provide various raw materials for industries, such as
fruits for juice, cereals for alcoholic beverages, and wool or cotton for weaving and
clothing manufacturing.
Research on Indonesia A farmer is an individual engaged in agriculture, primarily
in managing land to cultivate and maintain crops such as rice, fruits, and flowers. This
activity is carried out with the expectation of obtaining yields from these crops for
personal use or sale to others. Farmers may also provide various raw materials for
industries, such as fruits for juice, cereals for alcoholic beverages, and wool or cotton for
weaving and clothing manufacturing. The agricultural tax has shown mixed effects on the
market. (Dewanti & Purna, 2022) The tax decreased demand, imports, and exports but
increased sales and welfare for the country. (Setiawan et al., 2020) A value-added tax
(VAT) on the agricultural sector could positively impact the economy if the revenue is
distributed to people experiencing poverty. Highlighted the decline in the importance of
the land tax in British India and Dutch Indonesia and the potential impoverishment of
cultivators. (Montgomery et al., 2002) discussed the deregulation of Indonesia's
interregional agricultural trade, eliminating distorting taxes and levies and leading to
higher accurate prices for farmers.
The newest regulations show that agricultural products are included in the taxable
goods handed over by groups of farmers to buyers. Therefore, agricultural products are
subject to VAT following applicable regulations. Based on Minister of Finance
Regulation (PMK) Number 64/PMK.03/2022, VAT collection on the delivery of certain
agricultural goods from farmer groups (PKP) is subject to a rate of 1.1% of the selling
price. The amount of VAT collection is obtained by multiplying 10% of the applicable
VAT rate, resulting in 11%.
Horticultural agricultural products are categorised into various types. Firstly,
Taxable Goods (BKP) include ornamental and medicinal plants. Secondly, Non-Taxable
Goods (Non-BKP) involve food crops such as rice, peanuts, corn, rice, cassava, and
unhusked rice. Meanwhile, another Non-BKP comprises necessities like fruits and
All plantation products subjected to the 1.1% VAT DPP fall under the Taxable
Goods category. Examples of such plantation products include cocoa, coffee, palm sugar,
cashews, mace, pepper, cloves, tea, rubber, cotton, tobacco, kapok, cinnamon, vanilla,
quinine, patchouli, essential oils, lemongrass, and coconuts.
For forestry products, there are two types subject to a 1.1% VAT DPP rate:
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1. Timber Forest products, including round logs of sawdust wood, dried round logs, latex
round logs, and large or small round logs.
2. Non-timber forest products include original rattan, gubal agarwood, WS round rattan,
kamendangan, candlenuts, tengkawang seeds, and damar copal.
Synthesis and areas for future research
The research on Indonesia's agricultural tax landscape presents a nuanced picture
with mixed effects on the agricultural market. (Dewanti & Purna, 2022) Find that the
imposition of agricultural tax led to a decrease in demand, imports, and exports, but
paradoxically resulted in increased sales and improved welfare for the country. This
suggests a complex interplay of market dynamics influenced by the tax policy. (Setiawan
et al., 2020) Contribute to the discussion by suggesting that a value-added tax (VAT) on
the agricultural sector could have positive impacts, mainly if the generated revenue is
effectively distributed to people experiencing poverty. This perspective emphasises the
importance of considering the broader socio-economic implications of tax policies.
Introduces the idea of deregulation in Indonesia's interregional agricultural trade,
emphasising the positive outcomes of eliminating distorting taxes and levies. The
deregulation resulted in higher accurate prices for farmers, indicating the potential
benefits of removing obstacles in the form of certain taxes on agricultural trade.
In summary, the research on Indonesia's agricultural tax landscape reveals a
complex interplay of effects on the market, welfare, and historical trends. The recent
regulations introducing VAT on certain agricultural goods highlight the ongoing efforts
to refine tax policies in the agricultural sector. It remains essential for policymakers to
carefully consider the multifaceted impacts of taxation on farmers, market dynamics, and
overall economic welfare to ensure that tax policies contribute positively to the
sustainable development of Indonesia's agricultural sector.
Summary from earlier literature
Tax knowledge in agriculture is a complex and multifaceted issue with implications
for individual farmers and the sector. Research shows that there should be an emphasis
on the need for a tax system that balances efficiency and equity, considering the specific
characteristics of the agriculture industry highlight the significant impact of tax policy on
farmers' decision-making and the supply and prices of agricultural commodities. These
studies underscore the importance of understanding and effectively managing agricultural
tax implications.
In the self-assessment system, the fact that tax knowledge is the critical determinant
of voluntary tax compliance is undeniable among researchers (Sebele-Mpofu & Chinoda,
2019). Farmers’ tax knowledge in Ethiopia has significantly correlated with the tax-
compliant attitude (Azime & Ramakrishna, 2018). The same result is also shown among
the commercial sugarcane farmers in Zimbabwe, where a lack of tax knowledge and
understanding has a significant relationship with non-compliance in tax payments .
Positive effects are also shown in the poultry farmers in Ghana, where tax knowledge (or
tax awareness as mentioned in the journal) is one of the three main factors that could
influence their willingness to pay (Sebele-Mpofu & Chinoda, 2019).
Analysis and future research to be explored
The existing research underscores the intricate nature of taxation in agriculture,
emphasising the necessity for a tax system that balances efficiency and equity,
considering the industry's unique characteristics. These insights stress the importance of
comprehending and effectively managing agricultural tax implications. Furthermore,
within the self-assessment system, tax knowledge emerges as a pivotal factor influencing
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from Indonesia
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voluntary tax compliance among farmers (Sebele-Mpofu & Chinoda, 2019). Studies in
Ethiopia and Zimbabwe reveal a significant correlation between farmers' tax knowledge
and compliance attitudes and behaviours (Azime & Ramakrishna, 2018). Positive effects
are also noted in Ghana, where tax knowledge plays a crucial role in influencing the
willingness of poultry farmers to pay taxes.
For future research, there is a need to delve deeper into designing tax policies that
address the specific needs of the agriculture sector, explore regional and sectoral
variations in the impact of tax knowledge, and consider innovative approaches to tax
education. Longitudinal studies tracking changes in tax knowledge and compliance,
coupled with collaboration between researchers and policymakers, can contribute to
refining strategies and policies for better outcomes in the agriculture taxation landscape.
Summary from earlier literature
One of the main problems in developing countries is poor administration and
unintegrated tax structures. Even with data gathered from public institutions, the data
probably differs from reality and does not reflect the actual condition. Albania has an
unclear data challenge where farmers' lack of registration makes the agricultural sector's
taxation difficult to measure the effective government incentive or define fiscal incentive.
To solve this problem, countries like EU member states have already developed a
Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) as part of the Integrated Administration and
Control Systems (Kocur-Bera, 2020) for various purposes, including the calculation of
taxes (Regulation, 1989). This LPS, then widely adopted by Poland as the National
Registration System of Agricultural Products, consists of three main components:
Register of Farms, Register of Agricultural Producers, and Register of Payment
Applications (Kocur-Bera, 2020).
Analysis and future research to be explored
The challenge of poor administration and unintegrated tax structures in developing
countries, as outlined by Tesfaye (2015), reflects a broader issue of information
asymmetry and ineffective governance. The disparity between officially gathered data
and the actual conditions on the ground, as emphasised, not only complicates tax
assessment but also hampers the formulation of targeted policies that address the specific
needs of the agricultural sector.
In the case of Albania, the lack of farmer registrations adds another layer of
complexity to the taxation landscape. This impedes measuring government incentives'
effectiveness and makes it challenging to design fiscal policies that foster sustainable
agricultural development. The consequences of such gaps in data are significant,
potentially leading to inefficient resource allocation, misdirected subsidies, and an overall
lack of precision in economic planning.
The European Union's successful implementation of the Land Parcel Identification
System (LPIS), as noted (Kocur-Bera, 2020), stands out as a proactive solution to these
challenges. The integration of LPIS into the broader framework of Integrated
Administration and Control Systems streamlines tax calculations and enhances
transparency and accountability. Poland's adoption of LPIS in its National Registration
System of Agricultural Products is a noteworthy example of how a well-designed
information system can address data challenges in agriculture.
Moreover, beyond tax calculations, the LPIS provides a valuable tool for land
management and agricultural planning. It enables policymakers to make informed
decisions about resource allocation, environmental sustainability, and rural development.
The three main components of Poland's system - the Register of Farms, the Register of
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Agricultural Producers, and the Register of Payment Applications - create a
comprehensive database that facilitates holistic policy approaches.
For other developing countries facing similar challenges, the EU's model offers
insights into the transformative potential of integrated information systems. As seen in
the Register of Agricultural Producers, establishing accurate and up-to-date databases
through farmer registrations lays the groundwork for effective policy implementation.
Furthermore, the success of LPIS emphasises the importance of a holistic approach to
data management, encompassing multiple facets of the agricultural sector.
In conclusion, addressing the challenges of poor administration and data
discrepancies in taxation requires a multifaceted approach. Integrating systems like LPIS
enhances tax assessment and contributes to more effective and targeted policymaking,
ultimately fostering sustainable development in the agricultural sector of developing
Summary from earlier literature
(Chodorow, 2006) argues that any income-based tax, including those applied to
agricultural produce, will inherently be complex due to the challenges of defining income,
addressing tax avoidance, and managing timing issues. (Freebairn, 1995) further
complicates the issue by highlighting the difficulty of assessing the efficiency properties
of agricultural taxation, given the various bases for taxing capital income. It adds a
psychological dimension, suggesting that tax complexity can negatively impact
perceptions of equity, particularly when no explicit justification is provided. Finally,
(Boehlje Carman, 1982b) underscores the significant role of taxes in shaping the decision-
making of agricultural producers, with changes in tax rules expected to have a substantial
impact on savings, investment behaviour, and supply and prices of agricultural
Analysis and future research to be explored
Chodorow, (2006). The argument that income-based taxes on agricultural produce
are inherently complex resonates with the broader discourse on tax complexity, which
has significant implications for the agricultural sector. Defining income in the context of
agriculture poses unique challenges due to the variability of revenue streams, the
valuation of produce, and the dynamic nature of farming operations. This complexity is
exacerbated by difficulties addressing tax avoidance strategies and navigating timing
issues specific to agricultural cycles.
Contributes to this discussion by highlighting the complexity associated with
assessing the efficiency properties of agricultural taxation. The varied bases for taxing
capital income in the agricultural sector add layers of intricacy, making it challenging to
determine the most effective and equitable taxation approach. The nuanced nature of
agricultural income, influenced by crop yields, market fluctuations, and input costs,
requires carefully examining taxation mechanisms to ensure both efficiency and fairness.
(Cuccia & Carnes, 2001) Introduce a psychological dimension to the analysis,
emphasising that tax complexity can negatively impact perceptions of equity, mainly
when justifications for such complexities are not explicitly provided. In the context of
agricultural taxation, where farmers' livelihoods are directly affected, the perceived
fairness of the tax system becomes crucial. A lack of transparency and clear justification
for complex tax structures may erode trust and support for taxation policies in the
agricultural community and the broader public.
Emphasis on the significant role of taxes in shaping the decision-making of
agricultural producers further underscores the importance of considering complexity
The Complex Dynamics of Agricultural Taxation in Developing Countries - Insights
from Indonesia
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perceptions. Tax rule changes can profoundly impact farmers' savings, investment
behaviour, and the supply and prices of agricultural commodities. Complex tax structures
may introduce uncertainties and challenges in decision-making processes, potentially
affecting the long-term sustainability and competitiveness of the agricultural sector.
In integrating these perspectives, it becomes evident that tax complexity in
agriculture goes beyond the technical intricacies of income definition and efficiency
assessments. It extends to psychological and behavioural dimensions, influencing how
farmers perceive the tax system's fairness and make crucial decisions about their
operations. To improve the design and acceptance of agricultural taxation, policymakers
should address technical complexities and prioritise clear communication, transparency,
and justifications for the intricacies involved. A holistic approach considering tax
complexity's economic and psychological aspects is essential for building a tax system
supporting a vibrant and sustainable agricultural sector.
Summary from earlier literature
Research on the tax rate in agriculture reveals a complex relationship between
taxation, emissions, and investment. (Mardones & Lipski, 2020) Finds that a tax on
agricultural emissions can reduce production and GDP, suggesting that a broader tax
approach may be more effective. Moreover, (Andrejovská et al., 2019) emphasise the
importance of effective average tax rates in assessing the financial impact on capital
investment and taxation efficiency in agricultural businesses. (Freebairn, 1995)
underscores the need for a progressive income tax rate schedule to achieve social equity,
highlighting the complexity of tax design in the agricultural sector. (Petrukha &
Nazukova, 2015) Both emphasise the importance of effective average tax rates in
assessing the financial impact on capital investment and taxation efficiency in agricultural
Analysis and future research to be explored
The research on tax rates in agriculture reveals a multifaceted relationship involving
taxation, emissions, and investment, with implications for economic production and
social equity. (Mardones & Lipski, 2020) Provide insights into the intricate dynamics by
suggesting that a tax explicitly targeting agricultural emissions can adversely affect
production and GDP. This finding implies the need for a more comprehensive and
nuanced approach to agricultural taxation, considering broader factors beyond emissions
Contribute to the discourse by emphasising the significance of effective average tax
rates in evaluating the financial impact on capital investment and the overall efficiency
of taxation in agricultural businesses. This underscores the importance of considering the
nominal tax rates and their practical implications on investment decisions and economic
outcomes. Therefore, the efficiency of taxationeeeeeeeeee in the agricultural sector is
intricately tied to how tax rates influence the financial decisions and behaviours of
farmers and businesses.
(Freebairn, 1995) advocacy for a progressive income tax rate schedule in
agriculture adds another layer to the complexity of tax design. While the call for
progressivity aligns with social equity goals, it introduces challenges in balancing the
fiscal needs with the economic realities of the agricultural sector. Crafting a tax structure
that fosters equity while supporting the economic viability of farms requires careful
consideration of various factors, including income distribution, farm sizes, and the
diversity of agricultural operations.
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Integrating these perspectives reveals a delicate balance that policymakers must
strike in designing effective tax rates for agriculture. As suggested by (Mardones and
Lipski, 2020), a broader tax approach may be necessary to address diverse environmental
and economic considerations. Meanwhile, the focus on effective average tax rates,
highlighted by (Andrejovská et al., 2019), emphasises the practical implications of tax
policies on investment decisions, economic efficiency, and the overall health of
agricultural businesses.
Summary from earlier literature
A range of studies have explored the tax audit process in the agricultural sector.
Emphasises the need for tax auditors to adopt a more collaborative approach, focusing on
education and communication with taxpayers. (Kotsupatryi et al., 2019) further
underscores the importance of tax audit efficiency and effectiveness, particularly in
detecting and addressing violations. (Reshetnyak et al., 2020) Highlight the complexity
of tax design and the potential for tax management tools to reduce the tax burden and
improve financial results in the agricultural sector. These studies underscore the need for
a balanced and practical tax audit approach in the agricultural industry.
Analysis and future research to be explored
As highlighted by various studies, the exploration of the tax audit process in the
agricultural sector reveals essential insights into the dynamics of taxation, compliance,
and financial management. It highlights the necessity of a collaborative approach in tax
auditing, emphasising the importance of education and communication between tax
auditors and taxpayers. This perspective recognises the significance of fostering a
cooperative environment that promotes understanding and compliance rather than solely
relying on punitive measures.
(Kotsupatryi et al., 2019) adds another layer to the discussion by emphasising the
critical role of tax audit efficiency and effectiveness. The focus here is on detecting and
correcting violations within the agricultural sector. Efficient tax audits ensure compliance
with tax regulations and contribute to the tax system's overall integrity. This perspective
aligns with the idea that a well-functioning tax audit process is crucial for maintaining
fairness and equity in taxation.
Moreover, both draw attention to the complexity of tax design in the agricultural
sector. They highlight the potential for tax management tools to play a role in reducing
the tax burden and improving financial results for agricultural businesses. This
underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of tax policies and the implementation
of tools that align with the unique characteristics of the agricultural industry. Effective
tax management can enhance compliance and contribute to the financial sustainability of
agricultural enterprises.
This literature review concludes that although research on taxation has increased in
recent years, particularly within the agricultural sector, research specific to the
agricultural sector is still very limited compared to other sectors. However, certain factors,
such as the national registration system of agricultural products, different tax rate options,
buyer assistance, and tax knowledge through fertiliser incentives, are estimated to
correlate with tax compliance strongly.
The literature review also highlighted the growing role of agricultural taxation as a
tool for economic development and wealth redistribution. Recent research emphasises the
importance of agricultural taxation in diverting resources to investment rather than
The Complex Dynamics of Agricultural Taxation in Developing Countries - Insights
from Indonesia
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personal consumption. The government seeks to obtain revenue, transfer resources to the
non-agricultural sector, increase efficiency, and distribute revenue within the sector. Tax
audits are becoming a vital tool for regulators in improving tax compliance, primarily
through the application of technology. The prospect of a tax audit is a deterrent,
encouraging taxpayers to comply with tax regulations to avoid legal consequences.
Meanwhile, future research should expand the scope of research to understand tax
compliance in the agricultural sector further so that the results can be more accepted and
valid in general.
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