E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1321
Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Innovation: A
Bibliometric Analysis
Setiyatmo Adi Nugroho
*, Muh Azis Muslim
Universitas Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
E-mail: setiyatmo.adi@ui.ac.id
, azism@gmail.com
*Correspondence: setiyatmo.adi@ui.ac.id
leadership; Innovation;
public sector; Publication.
People and organisations must adapt to rapidly evolving
technology and information trends but often face limited
resources. Therefore, it is essential to apply innovation to
various sectors, including the public sector, which is known
for the many regulations that surround it. Innovation is seen
as a source of change, growth, and organisational
effectiveness, but leadership factors have a dominant impact
and are fundamentally critical to success in achieving it. This
study aims to see trends in scientific publications (journals)
regarding transformational leadership in public sector
innovation, the most influential journals and authors, and
potential future research topics. This study uses bibliometric
analysis taken from the database of highly reputable
journals, Scopus, by looking at the results from the Scopus
web on data filtered according to criteria and visualisation
and analysis of data using the VOS viewer application and
biblioshin application. Based on the study results, the
research topic of Transformational Leadership in Public
Sector Innovation is still not discussed in Scopus-indexed
journal publications. The data obtained also shows that in the
middle of the last five years, the topic shows the significance
of increasing the number of publications, which increasingly
shows the interest in the theme of transformational
leadership in public sector innovation with the times.
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The rapid development of technology and information has also encouraged public
expectations of public and private organisations to provide better services. This is
certainly a challenge when the demands for change are increasingly massive while facing
limited resource conditions. Faced with conditions of limitation also demands the
fulfilment of the organisation's values of effectiveness and efficiency. The demands of
these changes adjust to the trends and conditions of the times, which are often very easy
and fast to change. Therefore, these expectations are challenging to meet without
adjustments to the organisation's way and work pattern.
Setiyatmo Adi Nugroho, Muh Azis Muslim
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1322
The direction of organisational change to adjust conditions and trends cannot be
separated from the desire to create future conditions that will be better than in the past.
Today, innovation is becoming increasingly popular and echoed in various lifelines.
Innovation is an idea, practice, or object considered new by individuals or groups.
Innovation is also defined as introducing new elements in knowledge, organisation, and
management, as well as even processes and skills, into services that show changes in the
past (Brown & Osborne, 2012). Many public and private sector leaders view innovation
as a source of change, growth, and organisational effectiveness.
The results of WIPO research (2023) from 132 world countries and 100 science and
technology clusters record many critical indicators of technological progress that show
positive trends amid various opportunities and challenges of the innovation environment.
Although many studies mention the positive impact of innovation on various aspects and
essential values in organisations, its emergence is not immediately realised. The growth
and development of innovation require various triggers. Innovation requires group and
organisational environmental support, such as management support, decision-making
participation, and team support for innovation. In an organisational environment,
leadership factors have a significant and fundamental impact and are determinants of
success that ensure effectiveness and innovation (Dharmawan et al., 2023).
Leadership is understood as a person's ability to change the behaviour of others as
he wants. Therefore, the vision and mission of a leader in an organisation reflect the goals
to be achieved and are established as core values in organisational actions and decisions.
Leaders with all the authority they have the opportunity to create and foster innovation.
These opportunities can be applied to various policies and programs. (Brown & Osborne,
2012) added that in addition to cultural and communication issues, leadership problems
must be addressed to support the successful implementation of change and an
environment full of innovation. On the other hand, effective leadership with the capacity
to encourage executives to develop management skills and leadership styles will
contribute to the growth of innovation.
Although innovation is standard in the private sector, it does not mean that it cannot
be applied to the public sector. The public sector or government is often attached to
various rules that give it no room to do things differently than usual. Even so, public
sector innovation has been known since 1980 in the UK through reinventing government
or New Public Management. The nature of public organisations has also changed due to
the instability of the social and political environment and the confronting of resource
Given the diversity of rules in the public sector, it is crucial to pay attention to
leadership in organisations to improve organisational performance. Transformational
leadership is critical because it enables organisational innovation (Rahayu & Jumiati,
2023). The behaviour of transformational leaders positively influences innovation
orientation. Various studies on transformational leadership in innovation have been
widely conducted. However, research on bibliometric analysis of transformational
Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1323
leadership in innovation in public sector organisations is still scarce. The use of
bibliometric methods is considered very effective in providing knowledge about variables
in the grand theory of specific fields of science that have not been studied much in
research. Furthermore, the bibliometric method can also explain the written
communication process and its development in a scientific discipline (Zakiyyah et al.,
Research (Purbohastuti, 2021) entitled "Bibliometric Analysis of Leadership
Research" discusses leadership and the development of leadership science in the 5.0 era.
Then, a study by (Idris & Zairoh, 2022) entitled "A Bibliometric Analysis of Servant
Leadership for Future Research" discusses Servant Leadership using a Scopus database.
The research mentioned does not explicitly address transformational leadership in public
sector innovation. Related to this, the bibliometric study that the researcher conveyed
became a novelty or novelty in the research conducted.
Based on the explanation the researcher has submitted, this study aims to analyse
the scientific literature in answering several questions: 1) What is the trend of scientific
publications (journals) regarding transformational leadership in public sector innovation?
2) What journals are most influential?; 3) Who is the most influential author?; 4) Potential
research topics for the future?
In the public sector, innovation grows when knowledge of problems and solutions
meets individuals who can and are motivated to act, requiring the support of regulatory,
legal, and bureaucratic processes that support creativity and innovation development
(Daglio et al., 2014). Therefore, in line with the literature found, it can be said that
leadership is the most dominant factor in fostering innovation in organisations. The
climate in the organisation primarily determines the drive for innovation, that is, how
conditions in the organisation support the growth of initiatives to innovate. Innovation
experts have noted that support from the highest management level in the organisation is
one of the factors supporting the growth of innovation.
Transformational leadership is an approach to leadership that focuses on the leader's
efforts to provide inspiration and motivation while changing team members innovatively
to achieve higher performance (Siregar & Kemalasari, 2023). Transformational
leadership is tasked with aligning the interests of the organisation and its members, which
can be directive or participatory. A transformational leadership approach motivates team
members to exceed expectations, continually evolve, increase confidence, and prioritise
the unit's or organisation's interests over personal interests by combining charisma,
intellectual stimulation, and attention to individual needs. Transformational leaders have
a strong sense of intrinsic value and conceptual systems, where the leader provides a clear
vision for subordinates, stimulates awareness of the importance of the task performed,
builds a climate of mutual trust, motivates to put forward the interests of the organisation
which ultimately achieves performance beyond expectations (Zhu & Huang, 2023).
Public sector transformational leadership is a model with advantages in restoring,
maintaining, and building public trust in government (Yusuf et al., 2023).
Setiyatmo Adi Nugroho, Muh Azis Muslim
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1324
Research Methods
This research is a bibliometric analysis research. Bibliometric comes from Greek,
which combines the words biblion, meaning "book," and metron, meaning
"measurement" (Zakiyyah et al., 2022). Bibliometrics is also understood as an instrument
to ensure objective publication data, which is often used as measurement data and can
help solve things discussed (Mokhnacheva & Tsvetkova, 2020). Kessler (1963) generally
revealed that bibliometric analysis is used to determine science development from
reputable scientific publications (Barsei & Atmoko, 2023).
Research on journal databases is carried out through the following stages: First,
researchers pull data from Scopus based on predetermined keywords; Second, researchers
limit the year range, subject area, document type, and source type; Third, researchers limit
journals with English-language categories; Fourth, the researcher obtained 18 documents
that had been included in the search criteria; and Fifth, as a final step is done by looking
at the analyse results from the Scopus web on data that has been filtered according to
criteria; visualisation and analysis of data using VOSviewer application and Biblioshany
Results and Discussions
Trends in scientific publications (journals)
Based on searching data accessed from Scopus with the query, 78 articles fit the
specified criteria. According to the abovementioned criteria, researchers have input the
year range component, subject area, document type, and source type. Related to the year
range, researchers had intended to carry out filtration from 2003 to 2023 (a period of 20
years), but the search results pointed to a time range of 2011-2023. This is because, over
the past 20 years, Scopus-indexed research journals that discuss the topic of
transformational leadership in public sector innovation only appeared in mid-2011.
Documents by year
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Copyright © 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Scopus® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.
Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1325
Graph 1 Number of Publications on Transformational Leadership in Public Sector
Innovation 2011-2023
Graph 1, 2011, is the beginning of the existence of a Scopus-indexed research
journal that discusses the topic of transformational leadership in public sector innovation.
However, the trend dimmed in 2012-2014 after its first appearance. Then, the trend moves
dynamically, and in 2023, it reaches its highest point, where the number of Scopus-
indexed journals that discuss the topic in question reaches 5. This shows that in the last
five years, transformational leadership has been very relevant and has become one of the
determining factors in the success of organisational innovation, especially in the public
Most influential journal publications
A search of data from highly reputable Scopus journals found that the most
influential journal on transformational leadership in public sector innovation was the
Government Information Quarterly journal, with 101 citations. This is evidenced by the
high number of citations or citations that refer to the journal. In second place occupied
the journal Public Personnel Management with a position of 99 citations, then followed
by Public Management Review (90), Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental
Management (31), Sustainability (30), and so on. In the 10th ranking journal for the
category of the highest number of citations, the Journal of Community College Journal
of Research and Practice is in tenth place, only cited once. This can happen and is ranked
10th in the journal with the most citation intensity because the number of studies on
related topics is minimal (see Table 1 and Graph 2).
Table 1
Top 10 Most Influential Journals
Number of
Government Information Quarterly
Public Personnel Management
Public Management Review
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental
Business Strategy and the Environment
International Journal of Public Sector Management
Journal of Open Innovation Technology, market, and
Police Practice and Research
Community College Journal of Research and Practice
Setiyatmo Adi Nugroho, Muh Azis Muslim
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1326
Graph 2: Top 10 Most Influential Journals (Most Cited)
As for the ten most influential articles, in detail as follows:
Table 2
Top 10 Most Cited Journal Articles
khan, a.n.
Kim, S.,
Yoon, G
J.M., Ysa,
Chu, L.C.,
Lai, C.C.
0 50 100 150
Government Information Quarterly
Public Personnel Management
Public Management Review
Corporate Social Responsibility and…
Business Strategy and the Envoronment
International Journal of Public Sector…
Journal of Open Innovation Technology,…
Police Practice and Research
Community College Journal of Research…
Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1327
Cui, R.,
Wang, J.
Sung, W.,
Kim, C.
R.S., Koc,
Cui, R.,
Wang, J.,
Zhou, C.
Strategy and
R.S., Koc,
Journal of
Public Sector
Most influential writers and countries
The impact of an author on a discipline can be measured by the number of academic
publications that have been written and the number of times those publications have been
cited by other researchers (The Regents of the University of California, n.d.). Therefore,
the search results found that the author with the most cited works by other authors was
Khan NA with a total of 100 citations then, followed by Kim S with a total of 67 citations;
Ricard LM with 61 citations; Chu L-C with 32 citations; Cui R with 31 citations. More
details can be seen through the tables and graphs below (Table 3 and Graph 3).
Setiyatmo Adi Nugroho, Muh Azis Muslim
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1328
Table 3
Top 10 Most Cited Journal Articles
Chart 3: Top 10 Most Cited Authors
Criteria regarding country limitations are not included in the search criteria, so the
data displayed is an accumulation of research journal publications from all countries
indexed by Scopus with a predetermined theme. The data that has been drawn shows that
China is the most productive country publishing Scopus-indexed journal publications that
discuss the topic of transformational leadership in public sector innovation with a total of
4 journals, followed by Indonesia with the achievement of 3 journals. South Korea also
achieved the same achievement (3 journals) in Indonesia. Qatar and the United States
achieved the fourth and fifth ranks, with the same number of achievements, namely two
journals. Furthermore, it can be seen through the following graph (Graph 4):
Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1329
Chart 4
Identification of Publication Productivity of Scopus Indexed Journals by Country
When viewed from these data, there are ten countries with the highest contribution
in productivity to transformational leadership research topics in public sector innovation
in Scopus-indexed journals. The list is still dominated by developed countries (70%,
consisting of South Korea, Qatar, United States, Australia, Danish, Malaysia, and the
Netherlands) compared to developing countries (30%, consisting of China, Indonesia, and
Ghana). On the other hand, Indonesia ranks second in the research topic. It can also
provide an overview and inspiration for other researchers to continue to develop
transformational leadership research topics in public sector innovation.
Potential research topics for the future
The results of the CSV file pulled from Scopus are further processed through the
VOSviewer application to see Network Visualization, Overlay Visualization, and Density
Visualization. From the results of processing on VOSviewer, it can be seen that four
clusters are often discussed, namely transformational leadership, innovation, leadership,
and sustainable development. The blue cluster, which has almost the exact visualisation,
shows a strong relationship between innovation and transformational leadership, with
closer research topics on performance and organisational innovation. In the leadership
cluster, topics of interest are related to organisational commitment and transactional
leadership. From the university sector cluster, they are showing the direction of relations
with public sector topics: the United States and Qatar. Meanwhile, the last cluster, namely
sustainable development, has a close relationship with the topic of environmental
regulatory pressure, green transformational leadership, and radical green innovation (see
Figure 2).
Setiyatmo Adi Nugroho, Muh Azis Muslim
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1330
Figure 2: Overview of the relationship between keywords
The following image (Figure 3) shows the keyword grouping by year. VOSviewer
indicates these colour categories as four clusters. The blue colour shows various keywords
often used until 2019, such as leadership, organisational commitment, university sector,
United States, and Qatar. Meanwhile, the green colour in the transformational leadership
cluster shows various keywords often used until mid-2021, such as transactional
leadership, sustainable development, transactional leadership, and the public sector. In
2022, the keywords refer to green transformational leaders, environmental regulatory
press, and radical green innovation. Finally, in 2023, the keyword performance will be a
word that increases the intensity of its use in research topics.
Figure 3: Overview of keywords by period
From the VOSviewer analysis in the Density Visualization menu, it is shown
through the following image:
Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1331
Figure 4: Overview of keyword density
Density visualisation shows the density of keywords used in research with
indications of light and dark colours. Keywords that occupy bright lights indicate the
intensity of use in transformational leadership research topics in public sector innovation.
Conversely, keywords that occupy low light indicate that they are rarely used in research
on the topic.
The dominance of keywords is shown by the words transformational leadership and
innovation, where both show the same occurrences, namely 10. The next position is
indicated by the word leadership, which has occurrences of 7. This shows that these
keywords are most often used in research. The words performance, organisational
innovation, organisational commitment, transactional leadership, and the public sector
still have low occurrences, which is 2. The low occurrences indicate that the keyword is
rarely used in research on transformational leadership in public sector innovation.
Therefore, keywords that have a low occurrence rate and are shown through their
placement in dim light, then these keywords can be raised into themes with the potential
for the value of future research novelty in the development of innovation leadership
transformation studies in the public sector.
Furthermore, the study used the Biblioshiny application to see the word cloud of
various studies filtered according to predetermined criteria. Of the 18 journal publications
found, words that often appear in publications are illustrated as follows (Figure 5):
Setiyatmo Adi Nugroho, Muh Azis Muslim
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1332
Figure 5: Wordcloud Between Keywords
Visualisation in the Biblioshiny application shows that leadership and innovation
dominate, as the words appear to be the largest size. It also reinforces the results of
previous VOSviewer applications, which, in similar words, indicate the dominance of
their use in transformational leadership research and innovation in the public sector.
The analysis used a combination of results from the Scopus web, VOSviewer, and
Biblioshiny applications accessed on January 1, 2024. The data shows that 2011 was the
beginning of the publication of research publications in Scopus-indexed journals that
discuss the topic of transformational leadership in innovation in the public sector.
Although the trend of research topics had dimmed until the end of 2023, this topic showed
significant numbers and even the highest since 2011.
Searching data from highly reputable journals through Scopus, the most influence
on this topic is occupied by the Government Information Quarterly Journal, with the
number of citations reaching 101. The most influential author writing this research topic
is Khan, NA, from China. The results of the observations on the Density Visualization
tab provide an overview of keywords that have not been widely used in research, such as
performance, organisational innovation, organisational commitment, public sector,
university sector, sustainable development, environmental regulatory press, and green
transformation leaders. Wordcloud visualisation in the Biblioshiny application shows the
dominance of the most frequently used keywords on the theme: leadership and
innovation. Therefore, novelty can be inspired by keywords that occupy low light (low
occurrence) and can be used as a research theme for transformational leadership of public
sector innovation.
Transformational Leadership in Public Sector Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1333
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