E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 1285
Public Administration Policy Innovation Towards The
Realization Of Good Public Policy Governance
Stanislaus Kostka Ohoiwutun
, Tehubijuluw Zacharias
Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Indonesia
, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku,
E-mail: ohoiwutunstanislaus@gmail.com
, zacharias@yahoo.com
*Correspondence: ohoiwutunstanislaus@gmail.com
Policy Innovation, Public
Administration, Good
Pubic Policy Governance.
The use of public policy to balance the interests of the public
and government has not always worked well. The
government's tendency to change or cancel some policies
points to overlapping policies, a lack of innovation among
public officers, and a low motivation to innovate.
Consequently, a novel strategy that might support resolving
societal issues is needed. The research aimed to describe and
analyse policy innovation in the public administration
approach and policy innovation toward effective public
policy governance. The first qualitative approach was the
methodology used. An academic literature review on public
policy science was used to gather ideas pertinent to studying
public policy innovation. Data collection was conducted by
examining many sources and literature, including
government records, printed and electronic media, journals,
and public administration and policy innovation
publications. Policy innovation application is modelled by
using NPS to apply innovative concepts. A method that
allows the public the room to cooperate and be focused on
performance development views the public in a holistic,
compassionate, and humanist manner. 1) Support type; 2)
Innovation management; and 3) Qualities in value
application will lead to sound public policy governance.
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Innovation has become an essential component and necessity for public institutions
in federal and local governments because it makes sense. This is in line with several shifts
and dynamics of cultural expectations. Innovation is expected to be a tactic used to
increase the leverage of organisational performance in producing goods and services.
Public companies use the creation of new products (goods and services), structure,
connections, and culture as one of their strategic approaches to continue to bring about
such change. As a public service entity, public organisations should logically apply
Stanislaus Kostka Ohoiwutun, Tehubijuluw Zacharias
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service principles based on productive, efficient, and successful indicators rather than
continue to apply concepts only provided to society.
Innovation in central, regional, and public institutions needs more serious attention,
simultaneous implementation, and integration. This is because innovations applied
simultaneously and holistically have a spreading power that impacts all company lines.
Partial innovation will only touch certain areas within the company and will not have
much impact on the vision and goals of the organisation.
Law 23 of 2014 mandates establishing innovation laws and regulations in
Indonesia. Local governments can innovate to improve the efficiency of their governance
because regional innovation is considered necessary. In running Local Government,
innovation includes all types of revitalisation. Communities, local governments, state
civil servants, DPRD members, and regional leaders are potential sources for innovation
(Nur et al., 2022) Despite Indonesia's rapid development, innovation is still
incomplete, fragmented, and stagnant. In general, there is not always a direct causal
relationship between discoveries. Not knowing what will happen is not part of the
company's strategy. Their discoveries were made gradually, one after another, because
they did not want to have a significant and collective impact. Therefore, progress in new
ideas stalls. There are strategic objectives in the current five-year growth plan, but they
have not answered the need for innovation (Setiawan, 2016). Therefore, collaboration and
elaboration are necessary for innovation in enabling public institutions.
The ability to innovate, particularly in the policy area, is essential in harnessing the
potential of national and local resources at the government level (Zaelani, 2019). This
capacity is supported by the creative thinking of bureaucrats working at various levels.
Government policies that encourage innovation are also critical (Khoiron, 2016). This is
because the government has a vital role in establishing or amending laws, trade and
investment policies, fiscal and monetary policies, and other incentives and disincentives,
in addition to providing funding, educational and research facilities, and laboratories for
innovation. The government should support the aforementioned innovative efforts, even
if they may be challenging. As mentioned earlier, innovation must have a measurable
impact. Increasing competitiveness, impact, and benefit to the public interest are the goals
of policy innovation in this environment. Thus, the synergy pattern of central and local
government policies in concept formation, implementation, and assessment is an
inseparable whole. One practical way to create synergy is by rearranging rules considered
obstacles (Sayekti & Putarta, 2016).
A policy cannot be considered innovative without encouraging competitive impact
and providing benefits to the public interest. Bureaucratic intelligence in generating the
power of change and new ideas is essential for encouraging the expansion of policy
innovation. These policies differ in several fundamental ways. First, policies tend to
eliminate outdated or conflicting policies. Second, the degree of originality between
policy and innovation is different. Most of this strategy's innovative features will
disappear once implemented (Nur et al., 2022).
Public Administration Policy Innovation Towards The Realization of Good Public
Policy Governance
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The Perda/Perkada was revoked due to negligence in policy formulation and not
following the correct formulation procedure. In addition, regarding regional policy
development, the federal government's role as an intervention to assess and control is still
lacking compared to state and local governments. Manual policies that only aim to avoid
government commitments cause public disappointment and anxiety, especially regarding
the interests of people's livelihoods and why public policy innovation is needed.
The role of local public officials in implementing public policy innovations is
expected to increase along with the implementation of regional autonomy, giving local
governments the authority to formulate policies (Subianto, 2020). This is expected to
positively impact the quality of policies or regulations to be prepared. Therefore, one of
the primary measures of the effectiveness of local government is the quality of local
regulations. Civil servants in local and central government agencies are experiencing
difficulties due to their limited capacity and motivation to innovate (OUTANG, 2022).
However, as different policy-making institutions continue to produce overlapping
policies, public policy has not worked well to bring society and government together. An
example of the failure of public service policies in Indonesia is when the policy is
disconnected from the output of the activities of ministries and non-ministerial
institutions. For example, several reservoirs built by the government cannot function due
to the absence of irrigation canals, and ports cannot function properly because there is no
road connecting them with industrial estates (Dwiyanto, 2021).
It is necessary to reorient the policies of each service or institution to be more
targeted in terms of procedures, techniques, and outputs of each public policy produced
to prevent policy termination. Public policies fail to address several problems, including
overlapping poverty, health, and unemployment policies, development gaps due to
improper policy analysis, corrupt behaviour of public officials due to weak regulations,
and low levels of public education. It is, moreover, addressing social issues.
Substantial public policy innovation is needed to strengthen the community
problem-solving process. Innovation in public policy does not always follow seasonal
patterns or trends but provides alternative options here, now, and in the future. Most
government-sponsored innovation initiatives and policies aim to fix market problems.
Therefore, innovation in public policy and the public sector is focused on correcting
market failures in all their forms.
The magnitude of the public sector's influence on a country is apparent when we
look at GDP in percentage terms. However, private-sector innovation relies on public-
sector innovation and vice versa. Public sector innovation can increase the value of
products through organisational improvements and affect overall productivity growth.
Policies must be in line with economic developments in the global era.
According to research (Kartika & Oktariyanda, 2022), introducing a new approach
has improved public administration performance, governance, and the ability to
effectively deal with problems the public faces. Society and government must first decide
to address it in order to be effective. To do this, they must also determine the most
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efficient methods and approaches and establish systems to cultivate the values and
capabilities necessary to make them happen.
The purpose of the public administration innovation process, according to (Batalli,
2015), is to modernise administrative capacity and form a more effective and responsible
government. In addition, innovation drives economic growth and improves public policy
and administration (Batalli, 2016). As a result, the functions of the state passed from
"ruler" to "servant". There are three paradigms in the field of public administration: Old
Public Administration, New Public Administration, New Public Management, and New
Public Service.
Research Methods
A qualitative approach is applied to this process. To find ideas relevant to the study
of public policy innovation, the researchers conducted a literature review in the field of
public policy science. Information collection methods include reading various papers on
public administration, policy innovation, and related fields, including official records,
news articles from traditional and online media, and academic publications. Data
requirements determine the processing and narrative description of secondary data. The
next step is to analyse the data using public policy theories, concepts, and innovations.
After that, the data will be interpreted.
Results and Discussions
Policy Innovation in Public Administration Perspective
Policy innovation is represented by a public administration paradigm based on the
principle of New Public Services (NPS). The following are the principles of NPS:
a. Placing a strong emphasis on building trusting relationships and cooperation with other
citizens and consumers.
b. The common interest creates common interests and obligations.
c. The importance of public service and the willingness of the community to contribute
d. Act democratically and strategically;
e. Accountability is not easy; and
f. Guide by assisting individuals in identifying and achieving common goals.
g. Treat others with respect and do not just concentrate on results.
Innovation in policymaking through generating new knowledge in the form of
creative services for the public interest is required in public administration. This is where
the capacity of innovators to utilise technical-based talent and administrative capabilities
is highlighted. Planning, organising, mobilising, and monitoring are critical components
of policy innovation. However, the capacity of innovators to incorporate science and
technology into their work is also a key component, according to public administration
Policy Innovation Criteria in Public Administration Perspective
1. Policy innovation by process
The performance of various stakeholders is improved by implementing process-
based innovations that are carried out efficiently and effectively. There has been a shift
in the work process of public organisations from slow, convoluted, and complicated to
fast, accurate, and productive. Process innovation's ultimate goal is service delivery that
meets or exceeds customer expectations.
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Researchers at the Institute of State Administration (2016) have identified two
different forms of innovation in the work process. As the first category, we have "internal
innovation", which focuses on processes within the organisation, not outside the
organisation. Second, innovations from the outside world are applied by departments that
deal with clients and other outside parties to provide public services or carry out routine
business operations.
2. Innovation by Method
New policy models and strategies lay the groundwork for new approaches.
Switching from the old procedure to the new procedure aims to get more ideal results.
The decision-making criteria, depending on the approach, are carried out as follows,
according to the study (Yusra, 2019)
Organisational policies that establish new procedures in organisational work
processes are the basis of this innovation. This innovative approach can be used across
several disciplines, including decision-making, product manufacturing, service delivery,
and more.
This innovation is applied when the company determines the previous approach is
no longer profitable and efficient.
Because this discovery is macro and can be applied to various fields, it must be
distinguished from other innovations using a holistic and paradigmatic inventive
approach. Operations and organisational sectors are all subject to the new methodology.
Policy Innovation by Product
Product-based innovation is applied through various organisational goods modified
to increase competitiveness. A study (Yusra, 2019) states that the following factors are
used to determine product innovation:
Customers take advantage of or enjoy these discoveries firsthand
The company uses its internal processes to actively, directly, and fully participate
in producing outputs that customers enjoy.
A product is considered successful if it is new and has never been made before or
if it is produced with higher quality and continues to improve over time, thus increasing
consumer satisfaction. In ways previously unthinkable, this novelty meets consumer
expectations and needs.
Policy Innovation Based on Concepts
To overcome these problems, public organisations must always experiment with
new concepts, ideas, and paradigms as part of their organisational innovation. LAN
research identifies several requirements for product innovation, including:
1. A shift in the perspective of a problem gives rise to these innovations, which are then
implemented in policy.
2. This achievement can be evaluated by comparing it with previous policies based on an
old-fashioned point of view. Conceptual innovation may be considered adequate if the
new policy delivers better results or performance.
3. To carry out this shift in viewpoint, we often look at problems from a more optimistic
point of view or update paradigms.
Policy Innovation Based on Science and Technology (Science and Technology)
Applying science and technology innovation includes updating various problems
organisations face, such as organisational systems, equipment, and apparatus skills. This
is the demand of the organisation in the face of changes and the development of an
increasingly dynamic society.
Policy Innovation Based on Organizational Structure
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Innovations in organisational structure enable companies to adapt to changes and
internal needs. To enable organisations to provide better equipment performance, an
organisational structure that considers the nature and growth of society must be built.
Policy Innovation Based on Relationships
Interaction with outsiders is inevitable in every business, especially in the public
sector. The development and structuring of relationship mechanisms with external
partners must be inventive, mutually beneficial, and mutually supportive if organisations
achieve their goals more efficiently and use their resources better. Thus, stakeholders can
develop effective organisational governance and drive innovation through mutually
beneficial and efficient relationships.
Human Resource Development Policy Innovation
Since people are an organisation's most valuable asset, human capital innovation is,
in theory, an essential component. If human resource innovation does not succeed, then
no other innovation can function as planned. Companies need to have internal
organisational policies that prioritise innovation in human resources. Human resource
development is done creatively, including training, competence, career promotion, and
employee empowerment.
Policy Innovation Towards the Realization of Good Policy Governance
The power of policy innovation is studied to encourage strong public policy
governance using the four qualities of policy innovation defined by Freddy (Navarro,
2016). These characteristics are as follows:
Types of support
Good Public Policy Governance can be achieved by implementing innovative
policies through cooperation between non-state actors and government officials at all
levels. The goal is to foster creativity and realise improvements in organisational
procedures. In this case, a policy innovation orientation centred on solving problems is
obtained by analysing the identification of policy challenges with the help of several
Innovation Management
In this context, innovation management takes the form of administrative and
organisational arrangements that arise from cooperation involving internal and external
resources. A policy, including institutional management and organisational innovation,
must undergo a process of restructuring creative policy-making methods.
Types and Characteristics of Relationships
Mutualistic and symbiotic interaction between all stakeholders is necessary for
policy innovation. The desired results will be achieved using this relationship-based
strategythe capacity to facilitate transparent cooperation and best use available
resources to achieve good public policy governance.
Characteristics in the application of values
Applying principles that are good for the public interest is how policy innovation
achieves its success. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to foster partnerships between
public and commercial entities to improve human resources in policy design.
Contribution to creating fresh and practical knowledge in the public interest is
necessary for innovative public policy governance. As stakeholders of creative policy
products, people expect policy outputs that focus on solving public problems and can
produce measurable impact factors. A policy encouraging competitive impact and serving
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Policy Governance
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the public interest is a simple policy innovation. One example of implementing policy
innovation is using NPS to implement innovative principles. By creating an environment
that encourages public participation and focuses on improving the effectiveness of every
aspect of the organisation, the public is seen as a humane and compassionate entity.
Regarding policy innovation, NPS takes a comprehensive, all-encompassing approach
that seeks to uphold the public interest.
The strategies to be used to achieve good public policy governance are as follows:
1) Forms of support through the implementation of policy innovations carried out through
cooperation between government officials at all levels and levels with non-state actors;
2) Innovation Management through organisational and administrative structuring as a
result of collaboration involving external and internal resources; 3) Types and
characteristics of relationships through the characteristics of mutualistic symbiotic
relationships between all stakeholders; 4) The characteristics of the application of values
measured through the application of values that are beneficial to the public interest. One
way to do this is by encouraging collaboration between the public sector, the business
world, and the government to improve human resources in policy design.
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