Stanislaus Kostka Ohoiwutun, Tehubijuluw Zacharias
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 1286
service principles based on productive, efficient, and successful indicators rather than
continue to apply concepts only provided to society.
Innovation in central, regional, and public institutions needs more serious attention,
simultaneous implementation, and integration. This is because innovations applied
simultaneously and holistically have a spreading power that impacts all company lines.
Partial innovation will only touch certain areas within the company and will not have
much impact on the vision and goals of the organisation.
Law 23 of 2014 mandates establishing innovation laws and regulations in
Indonesia. Local governments can innovate to improve the efficiency of their governance
because regional innovation is considered necessary. In running Local Government,
innovation includes all types of revitalisation. Communities, local governments, state
civil servants, DPRD members, and regional leaders are potential sources for innovation
(Nur et al., 2022) Despite Indonesia's rapid development, innovation is still
incomplete, fragmented, and stagnant. In general, there is not always a direct causal
relationship between discoveries. Not knowing what will happen is not part of the
company's strategy. Their discoveries were made gradually, one after another, because
they did not want to have a significant and collective impact. Therefore, progress in new
ideas stalls. There are strategic objectives in the current five-year growth plan, but they
have not answered the need for innovation (Setiawan, 2016). Therefore, collaboration and
elaboration are necessary for innovation in enabling public institutions.
The ability to innovate, particularly in the policy area, is essential in harnessing the
potential of national and local resources at the government level (Zaelani, 2019). This
capacity is supported by the creative thinking of bureaucrats working at various levels.
Government policies that encourage innovation are also critical (Khoiron, 2016). This is
because the government has a vital role in establishing or amending laws, trade and
investment policies, fiscal and monetary policies, and other incentives and disincentives,
in addition to providing funding, educational and research facilities, and laboratories for
innovation. The government should support the aforementioned innovative efforts, even
if they may be challenging. As mentioned earlier, innovation must have a measurable
impact. Increasing competitiveness, impact, and benefit to the public interest are the goals
of policy innovation in this environment. Thus, the synergy pattern of central and local
government policies in concept formation, implementation, and assessment is an
inseparable whole. One practical way to create synergy is by rearranging rules considered
obstacles (Sayekti & Putarta, 2016).
A policy cannot be considered innovative without encouraging competitive impact
and providing benefits to the public interest. Bureaucratic intelligence in generating the
power of change and new ideas is essential for encouraging the expansion of policy
innovation. These policies differ in several fundamental ways. First, policies tend to
eliminate outdated or conflicting policies. Second, the degree of originality between
policy and innovation is different. Most of this strategy's innovative features will
disappear once implemented (Nur et al., 2022).