E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1334
Analysis of the implementation of business ethics and
strategic management in companies in Indonesia
Vika Fransisca
, Siti Ainul Kholipah
Institut Prima Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia
, Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional
Cirebon, Indonesia
E-mail: vikafransisca1704@gmail.com
, nengiip30@gmail.com
*Correspondence: vikafransisca1704@gmail.com
Business Ethics; Strategy
Management; Company.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation of
business ethics and strategic management in companies in
Indonesia. The method used in this study is a descriptive
method with a qualitative approach. Data collection
techniques use documentation techniques. Data analysis is
inductive. Thank you for reaching out. Qualitative research
and its results emphasise meaning rather than generalisation,
namely triangulation (combined) techniques. The results of
the study found that the analysis of the implementation of
business ethics and strategic management in companies in
Indonesia confirms that business ethics is an essential aspect
of the survival of the company. Companies that apply
business ethics well can build trust from colleagues, the
community, and customers, essential to maintaining business
continuity. Therefore, companies must maintain and improve
business ethics standards for sustainable growth. On the
strategic management side, its role is also vital in achieving
the company's long-term goals, adapting to changes in the
business environment, and directing human resources. By
implementing good business ethics and effective strategic
management, companies in Indonesia can better face
business challenges and contribute to sustainable economic
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
In addition to following the applicable rules and regulations, the company's
operation must also raise ethical norms and values. Understanding the implementation of
corporate ethics requires defining principles containing norms and ethics outlined in the
company's code of conduct, which is called the Code of Conduct (Arif, 2020). As for
strategy, the company will strive to utilise various options to deal with existing threats
and utilise various advantages to minimise the company's weaknesses in good
competition. With strategy, the company's main activities, products or services offered,
and company plans can be determined. Then, the company can more easily determine
Analysis of the implementation of business ethics and strategic management in
companies in Indonesia
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1335
specific ways to bring out its competitive advantage (Rianto & Wijaya, 2022). Thus came
the terms business ethics and strategy management.
Business ethics and strategic management are essential in running company
operations. Ethics in business is necessary because business can be unethical, and there
is much evidence today that there are unethical corporate practices. The company operates
in the field of social and natural environments. With virtues related to nature, the social
environment of business is obliged to be responsible for the natural and social
environment in which it is located. Despite business ethics binding its demands and
pressures, companies are based on their existence (Juliana et al., 2021). Strategy
management is a science that combines management functions to make strategic
organisational decisions and achieve organisational goals effectively and efficiently
(Adam, 2021).
Previous research conducted by explained that the implementation of Islamic
business ethics carried out by PT Mahesa Energi Persada by applying the principles of
Islamic business ethics, including the Principle of Unity, the Principle of Balance, the
Principle of Free Will, the Principle of Responsibility and the Principle of Virtue can be
concluded that PT Mahesa has implemented Islamic business ethics as a competitive
advantage. (Adam, 2021) states that mature strategies must be developed so that
operations in the field will be more coordinated with previously developed strategies.
Thus, strategic management is essential in achieving company goals (Kristianto &
UKRIM, 2010).
Unlike previous studies, the novelty of this study is the merger of two variables that
have not existed in previous studies, namely business ethics and strategy management.
Then, it also emphasises the influence of globalisation, such as how the role of technology
affects business ethics and strategy management.
Based on the background above, the importance of business ethics and strategic
management in running a company is essential because the company will not run
smoothly without the ethics that need to be guided and various strategies that need to be
done. Thus, this study aims to analyse the implementation of business ethics and strategic
management in companies in Indonesia.
Research Methods
The method used in this study is the descriptive method. This method is used to
analyse, describe, and summarise various conditions and situations from data collected
from observations on the problem under study at the time of the study (Arifudin, 2019).
The approach used is a qualitative approach. According to (Andriana & Alawy, 2023),
the qualitative approach, based on post-positivism, is used to examine the natural
condition of objects (as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key
instrument. The data collection technique used is a documentation technique for journal
collection with keywords business ethics and strategy management. Data analysis is
inductive/qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasise meaning rather
than generalisation, namely triangulation (combined) techniques.
Vika Fransisca, Siti Ainul Kholipah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1336
The collection of journals related to research is the first thing to do. The data
reduction is carried out after obtaining several relevant journals that are classified,
unnecessary data, and organised. Next, the presentation of data. The presentation of this
data began by presenting data from the analysis of various journals regarding the analysis
of the implementation of business ethics and strategic management in companies in
Indonesia. The last thing to do is conclude. This conclusion is made after all the data has
been analysed and presented.
Results and Discussions
An ethical business pays attention to noble values derived from conscience,
empathy, and norms. In simple terms, business ethics refers to ways to carry out business
activities, which include all aspects related to individuals, companies, industries, and
society. Business ethics is broader than the provisions regulated by law, even a higher
standard than the minimum standard of legal provisions, because, in business activities,
we often find grey areas not regulated by legal provisions (Durin, 2020). Business ethics
have become very important for a company's survival, meaning that survival depends on
how businesspeople apply business ethics. Applying ethics in business can indirectly
foster trust from colleagues, the community, and customers, where trust is a significant
capital so that the company's survival remains guaranteed. Therefore, companies must
maintain or improve ethical standards (Juanda & Ali, 2022).
In business ethics, principles that business people should obey apply. According to
Sonny Keraf (Ali, 2020), the principles in question are:
1. The principle of autonomy is the ability to make decisions and act based on awareness
of what is good to do and be morally responsible.
2. The principle of honesty: business will not last long if it is not based on honesty
because honesty is the key to the success of a business (for example, honesty in the
execution of contracts, honesty with consumers, honesty in employment relationships,
and others).
3. The principle of justice is that everyone in business must receive treatment according
to their respective rights, meaning that no one should be harmed by their rights.
4. The principle of mutual benefit is that all parties strive for mutual benefit and to do
competitive business.
The principle of moral integrity is the basis for doing business, where business
people running their business ventures must maintain the company's good name to remain
trusted and be the best company.
Here are some ethical theories in business, according to (Benny, 2017):
1. Etika evolutionism
Evolution in society is a change that occurs due to the efforts of the community to
adapt to new needs, conditions, and conditions that arise in line with the growth of society.
2. Etika Utilitarianism
Analysis of the implementation of business ethics and strategic management in
companies in Indonesia
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1337
The theory of utilitarianism says that a business activity is good if it can benefit
most consumers or society. Ethical utilitarianism is a theory that says good things are
helpful, practical, and profitable.
3. Ethics of Pragmatism
Pragmatism is a school of philosophy that holds that the criterion of truth is whether
something has any use in real life.
4. Ethical Relativism
Relativism holds that differences in human beings, cultures, ethics, morals, and religion
are not differences in substance but differences due to factors outside of them. All forms
and subforms relativism have in common the belief that something (e.g., knowledge and
morality) is relative to a particular principle and the denial that that principle is absolute.
5. Deontology
Deontology is an ethical theory that states that the basis for good and bad actions is
a person's obligation to do good to fellow humans. Deontological ethics talks about
obligations to oneself that must be carried out and applied in society, where the actions
carried out must be by norms and morals. The essence of deontological ethics is an action
done without seeing and considering beneficial things, but one must do something related
to obligations (Mujasmara et al., 2023).
Strategy management plays a vital role. The strategy must adapt quickly at the
organisational/corporate level, corporate, business unit, or operational level (Siregar et
al., 2020). Strategy management theory can measure it through several indicators:
preparation of mission, goals, and strategies; motivation, structure, system of functions,
groups, culture, and policies are implemented to achieve the goals set. The final stage in
the strategy management process is evaluation and control, as the plans made are
evaluated in realisation in the field. According to Stahl and Grigsby (Rianto & Wijaya,
2022), there are six steps in evaluation and control. These steps include:
a. Determine what will be controlled,
b. Creating a set of standards,
c. Measuring results,
d. Comparing results with standards,
e. Look for reasons for deviations, and
f. Perform corrective actions.
Initially, according to Nawirah (2013), the strategy management system was
characterised as follows:
a. Rely on an annual budget
b. Long-term
c. Focus on financial performance
The existence of strategic management in a company or organisation makes the
company able to compete in the market with its competitors by using strategies that have
been made by managers who have carried out several analyses so that managers can
measure how strong the strategy is made to face competitors (Nurjanah & Mulazid, 2018).
A strategic management system is needed because organisations must develop in a
Vika Fransisca, Siti Ainul Kholipah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1338
planned and measurable manner, so they require a roadmap in facing an uncertain future,
require strategies, and need to direct the ability and commitment of human resources to
realise organisational goals.
The results of the study found that through the analysis of the implementation of
business ethics and strategic management in companies in Indonesia, it can be concluded
that business ethics is an essential aspect of the survival of the company. Business ethics
includes moral values and principles that business people must hold, and companies that
apply business ethics well can build trust from colleagues, society, and customers.
Principles such as autonomy, honesty, fairness, mutual benefit, and moral integrity guide
business conduct. Meanwhile, strategic management plays a vital role in achieving the
company's long-term goals by adapting quickly to changes in the business environment
and directing human resources.
Based on the study's results, it can be concluded that business ethics is essential to
the company's survival in Indonesia. Business ethics not only deals with legal provisions
but also includes moral values and principles that business people must hold. Companies
that apply business ethics well can build trust from colleagues, the community, and
customers, essential to maintaining business continuity. Principles such as autonomy,
honesty, fairness, mutual benefit, and moral integrity guide business people in running
their businesses. Therefore, companies must maintain and improve business ethics
standards for sustainable growth.
On the strategic management side, its role is also vital in achieving the company's
long-term goals. Strategy management must be able to adapt quickly to the changing
business environment. The strategy management process involves preparing missions,
objectives, and strategies, which are then measured and evaluated through several
indicators to achieve the targets. Evaluation and control become the final step in the
strategy management process, during which the company looks for reasons for deviations
from the original plan and carries out the necessary corrective actions. A strategic
management system is also needed to direct the ability and commitment of human
resources in achieving organisational goals. This shows that strategic management must
be long-term, focused on financial performance, and supported by an annual budget.
Overall, the analysis of the implementation of business ethics and strategic
management in companies in Indonesia confirms the importance of the role of business
ethics as a moral foundation in carrying out business activities, as well as strategic
management as a tool to achieve the company's long-term goals. By implementing good
business ethics and effective strategic management, companies in Indonesia can better
face business challenges and contribute to sustainable economic growth.
Analysis of the implementation of business ethics and strategic management in
companies in Indonesia
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