E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1368
Implementation of Bekasi City Regional Health Insurance
Program Implementation Policy
Athiyyah Yuan Sabina
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
E-mail: yuansabina98@gmail.com
*Correspondence: yuansabina98@gmail.com
Implementation; policy;
The main problem raised in this study is the ineffectiveness
of policies and programs in Bekasi City based on Family
Cards and Identity Numbers. Qualitative research strategies
combined with descriptive analysis are research methods
used by researchers. The expectation that original data could
be collected and research subjects could be thoroughly
studied to provide the desired findings led to the selection of
this methodology and approach. As a result of various
factors, including standard factors, policy size and
objectives, resources, implementing organisation
characteristics, implementing attitudes, communication
between related organisations and implementation activities,
as well as the social, economic, and political environment,
the findings of this study can be used to explain why the
Bekasi City Health Insurance policy has not been
implemented effectively. However, these variables, the
characteristic factors of implementing agents and policy
resource factors, have not been implemented properly, so
there are still obstacles to the implementation of the
Regional Health Insurance policy. Of course, this is not the
best approach to providing quality public services, especially
in terms of the Regional Health Insurance Program for
People Based on Family Cards and Identity Numbers.
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Health insurance was initially implemented in 2004 by the Indonesian government
as an effort to fulfil the constitutionally mandated duty to protect the entire population
from various health problems (Hartati, 2015). Law No. 40/2004, which regulates the
National Social Security System, opened the door to reform initiatives, particularly with
regard to the health system. Poor People's Health Insurance (Askeskin) is a program run
by SOEs, namely PT. Askes, which initially offered universal health insurance in the
early stages of its implementation. This program was later renamed the JAMKESMAS
Community Health Insurance Program development, with the aim of providing health
insurance to low-income and near-poor people (Putra, 2017).
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One component that contributes significantly to improving public health is health
insurance. Meeting a number of criteria related to health insurance, such as access to
health services, financial resources, human resources, medical devices, and legislation, is
essential in the implementation of health insurance in a country (Iffan, 2023). This results
in a synergistic effect between all elements that support the success of health insurance.
Different healthcare systems and health insurance distribution policies exist in different
parts of the world (Eviany & Sutiyo, 2023). Since 2004, the Indonesian government has
made the provision of health insurance a top priority to fulfil its duty to protect the entire
population from various health risks and problems (Faradila, 2021). One of the first things
the government did to overcome the difficulties of the people, especially people with low
incomes, in obtaining and paying for health services was to develop a health insurance
program. On the other hand, the shift to universal healthcare coverage is now underway.
The basic principles of the health insurance program have been regulated in Law No. 40
of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN Law), which mandates
that all Indonesian citizens have access to comprehensive health services (Alamsyah et
al., 2021).
Because of its status as a local government in Indonesia, the Bekasi City Government
considers it an obligation of its citizens to ensure that its citizens have access to health
insurance (Karim et al., 2018). Therefore, Bekasi City issued Bekasi Mayor Regulation
Number 27. A of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Regional Health Insurance
Programs for the Community Based on Family Cards and Identity Numbers in Bekasi
City, an official establishment of a regional health insurance service program in Bekasi
City. City. The Bekasi City Health Card, based on the National Guarantee Card (NIK), is
a public health insurance program for people who receive funding from sources other
than the BPJS quota. The goal is to help the city achieve its vision and mission, which is
to become "Smart, Creative, Advanced, Prosperous, and Ihsan." The Bekasi City Health
Card, supported by NIK, was created to answer the need for health insurance for people
in the Bekasi City area. The main goal is to simplify the process of obtaining medical
care for the people living there (Dachi, 2017). This NIK-based Health Card is believed to
enable the Bekasi City Government and its people to get excellent health services, thus
contributing to the city's efforts towards an advanced, prosperous, and healthy city
(Astari, 2020).
JAMKESDA (Health Card) Because Bekasi City is ready to face this challenge, the
author believes that an implementation study needs to be carried out in order to produce
data that can be used to improve public health. Regarding the Regional Health Insurance
program (Kartu et al.) implemented by the Bekasi City Regional Government, the author
assesses that in its implementation, there are a number of challenges that arise so that
they cannot function effectively and meet the aspirations of the community residents of
Bekasi City. Bekasi Sehat Card is an initiative of the Bekasi City Government that
provides health services to all its citizens. A significant innovation is the NIK-based
Bekasi Sehat Card scheme. Bekasi City residents can use this card to access hospital
health services without requiring referrals or paying premiums or fees. The importance
of public health is a shared task. Not only the city government but also all elements of
society in Bekasi City. Starting from medical personnel, excellent health services,
adequate health facilities, and other health support facilities, the government provides
health infrastructure and facilities. Each program received active participation and
support from other segments of society Bekasi Sehat Card for a bright, imaginative,
cutting-edge, prosperous, and respectable Bekasi City.
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The efficient implementation of local government policies in the context of the poor
performance of the Bekasi City Health Card cannot be separated from the success of the
implementation of regional health insurance in Bekasi City. An understanding of the
objectives, scope, and standard policy standards related to the inadequate implementation
of the Regional Health Insurance Program for People Based on Family Cards and Identity
Numbers in Bekasi City is relevant to this. The Regional Health Insurance Program for
People Based on Family Cards and Identity Numbers in Bekasi City is not supported by
infrastructure, funding sources, and human resources, which are other problems related
to this problem.
Theoretical Approach
One of the relationships included in the implementation of public policy is the
relationship that allows the government or executive to achieve its aims and objectives.
The impact of the implementation of a public policy will show its strengths and
weaknesses, while the results of the implementation of the policy will show its success or
failure. With careful planning and execution, policies can be implemented to address
pressing issues. The more complex the policy problem and the more in-depth the analysis,
the greater the need for theory and capital that can explain it. This is the most challenging
aspect of the activity, as it involves implementing policies or procedures. In implementing
a policy, there are a number of prerequisites that must be met so that the objectives that
have been outlined at the time the policy is formulated can be achieved. Six aspects of
realising public policy are as follows, as stated by Van Meter & Van Horn (1975: 463):
1. The policy decision's overarching aims are expounded upon in the policy standards
and objectives, which furnish more precise and tangible benchmarks for evaluating
2. The available resources and incentives;
3. The quality of inter-organizational relationships (they cover much federalism in
their study of this, as they do in a lot of the American implementation literature);
4. The attributes of the agencies responsible for implementing policies include matters
such as organisational control and, inevitably, inter-organizational matters, the
agency's official and informal connections with the body responsible for "policy-
making" or "policy-enforcing";
5. The political, social, and economic climate: The implementers' "disposition" or
response comprises three components: their grasp and understanding of the policy,
the way they respond to it (acceptance, neutrality, or rejection), and the strength of
their response.
Researchers can clarify the above view by stating that (1) Policy standards and
objectives can be seen as goals and standards for achieving the objectives of public
policy enactment. (2) Resources and incentives can be understood as tools for
implementing public policy. (4) The characteristics of implementing agencies can be
seen as attributes of the institutions responsible for implementing policies or, more
specifically, the roles, roles, and powers of each institution. Third, the quality of relations
between organisations is a measure of the quality of relations between institutions that
affect the implementation of public policies related to the implementation of government
Number (5) is another dimension, namely the socio-economic living conditions of
the community In relation to the implementation of public policy can be understood as
the economic, social, and political environment. (6) The disposition or response of
policy implementers, which consists of three components, namely awareness of the
Implementation of Bekasi City Regional Health Insurance Program Implementation
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policy, direction of response, and intensity of response, understandably known as the
Policy Implementation Model. High policy implementation performance is basically the
goal of the implementation process, which includes the interrelation of several variables
and is an abstraction or performance of a policy realisation. This model explains how
political decisions, public policy implementation, and performance (Widodo, 2007) are
known as the Policy Implementation Model. High policy implementation performance
is basically the goal of the implementation process, which includes the interrelation of
several variables and is an abstraction or performance of a policy realisation. This model
explains how political decisions, public policy implementation, and performance all
follow a linear path toward policy implementation. In addition, Van Meter and Van Horn
(Widodo, 2007) explain how a number of interconnected elements affect how healthy
policies are implemented. These aspects include:
1) Size and purpose of the policy
There is no way to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of a policy
unless the scope and objectives of the policy are appropriate to the sociocultural
context in which the policy is implemented. It is not easy to achieve a decent level
of success in public policy when the goals and measures of the policy are too
idealistic, or even utopian, to be practised by ordinary citizens.
2) Resources
Utilisation for the policy implementation process to be successful and effectively
available resources is critical. Human resources are the most essential resources in
determining the effectiveness or failure of an implementation process. Apolitically,
policies made require the presence of superior human resources at certain stages of
the implementation process in order to complete the requested work. Expecting
public policy performance becomes particularly challenging when those resources
are incompetent and incapable. However, financial and time resources are
additional resources that must be considered in addition to human resources.
3) Characteristics of the executing agent
Both implementing agencies' emphasis is on official and informal organisations that
will be involved in implementing public policy. The critical factor for the success
or failure of (public) policies is the quality and competence of implementing agents,
so this is very important to implement. In addition, when selecting an implementing
agency, consideration should be given to the scope or domain of policy
implementation. The number of participating agents increases with the breadth of
policy implementation.
4) Attitudes/Tendencies (Dispositions) of the Executors
The attitude of the implementing agency (policy maker) towards the
implementation of the policy largely determines the success or failure of the policy.
The rules are not made by the surrounding community, which is well aware of the
challenges it faces, so this is very likely to happen. On the other hand, the policies
to be implemented are those that come directly from the top down, and, likely, those
responsible will never understand, let alone be able to overcome, the wants, needs,
and problems that existowned by the general public.
5) Interorganizational Communication and Implementing Activities
Coordination is a powerful tool for implementing public policy. It is assumed that
failures in an implementation process will be sporadic if communication and
coordination between the parties involved are getting better and vice versa.
6) Economic, Social, and Political Environment
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The final factor to consider when assessing the success of public implementation
from Van Metter and Van Horn's point of view is the extent to which the external
environment affects the effectiveness of established public policies. Poor social,
economic, and political conditions may be the cause of ineffective policy
implementation. Therefore, in implementing the policy, efforts must also consider
the external environment that supports it.
Several factors interact with each other and influence the success of public policy
implementation in various ways. By applying the Van Meter and Van Horn models, we
can understand policy better by examining the relationships between its constituent
dimensions. This helps us determine whether the implementation of a policy is optimal.
Research Methods
Descriptive analysis is one of the qualitative research methodologies researchers
use. Qualitative techniques are selected with the knowledge that this technique is expected
to collect reliable and original data to provide the expected results by thoroughly
analysing the topic of study. Research that aims to understand and investigate public
health, in particular, is considered to use qualitative research methodology, which is very
relevant in the study of health policy administration.
The case study technique based on the institutional model is the type of qualitative
approach used. A program, event, activity, procedure, or group of people becomes the
subject of in-depth research. The study collected comprehensive data within time and
activity constraints, using a variety of time-based data collection methods.
Results and Discussions
The results of the study inform the adaptation of the Bekasi City Regional Health
Insurance (JAMKESDA) policy to the needs and capacity of local governments. The
policy aims to improve public health by providing comprehensive health services. In
terms of raising health and wellness awareness, JAMKESDA also makes a positive
contribution. The achievements of the Bekasi City Government that benefit the
community prove that one of the health problems has been managed by the JAMKESDA
program. To implement the planned strategy, the following should be considered:
1. Policy Size and Purpose Factors
Residents in need benefit significantly from the services of the NIK-Based Health
Card program, a fee-based public health initiative run by the Bekasi City Government
APBD, which is a flagship program for city residents and is equivalent to third-class
health services. In accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018
concerning Public Health Insurance, the implementation of Regional Health Insurance
must be linked to the National Health Insurance supervised by BPJS Kesehatan.
The realisation of the best interests of the people is the main policy objective in
local government. The NIK-based Health Card scheme is more effective in this regard.
Study findings and field observations show that BPJS Kesehatan and NIK-based Health
Cards differ significantly in terms of efficiency. Through the provision of health service
subsidies for people experiencing poverty, epidemic victims, and disaster victims,
Bekasi Sehat aims to equalise and expand access to health services for underprivileged
Although its function is the same as BPJS, KS-NIK is much more helpful than
BPJS because it does not charge any fees to the community and allows small people like
us to go to the hospital. This is according to the people of Bekasi City who use KS-NIK.
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The investigation into the KS-NIK program run by the Bekasi City Government was
revealed based on a Constitutional Court decision. Local governments can now create
health insurance programs as a form of social security in their regions, thanks to decree
Number 007/PUU-III/2005 concerning Social Security. Bekasi City residents can still
take advantage of the NIK-based Health Card in 2020.
2. Policy Resource Factors
Policy resources are no less important than dialogue. To speed up policy
implementation, specific policy resources must also be available. These resources are
money or other rewards that can help implement policies. KS-NIK supporting facilities
are no less critical in the success of the program. The KS-NIK program, which is very
important to improving public health, requires facilities, incentives, funding sources,
human resources, and other resources. Some people argue that despite limited resources,
the implementation of the KS-NIK program is still not running smoothly. Ensure that the
policy or program is implemented in accordance with the expectations of the local
community and local government; concrete steps need to be taken to ensure that
incentives, financial resources, and human resources can be appropriately implemented
and fulfilled in both quantity and quality.
With the help of the KS-NIK program, Bekasi City's local government initiatives
have significantly improved welfare through public health. Each person and every group
participating in a local government program will see and evaluate a particular policy
differently. Although the local government and its entire staff are committed to believing
that the KS-NIK program serves the interests of the community, this is not the case.
Disappointment and pressure arising from the opinion and evaluation of a policy will lead
to actions that will affect how well the government performs. KS-NIK will function
effectively, and its responsibilities can be accounted for.
3. Characteristic Factors of Executing Agents
KS-NIK policies or programs in Bekasi City will be implemented by implementing
agents, which can be official organisations or informal groups. This is important because
having agents with the right quality and qualifications to implement a policy will have a
significant impact on how well the policy is implemented. The policy context that will
implement this is relevant. Some regulations require strict and controlled policy
In order to implement KS-NIK policies or programs in all fields of community
services, it is necessary to have a work process and cooperation between agencies or
institutions. The executing agency in question is well-known for its organisational
framework and operational procedures. Based on the results of the study, the quality of
the implementing agent did not match the expected results. Therefore, the Bekasi City
Regional Health Insurance Program policy based on Family Cards and Identity Numbers
is still experiencing difficulties in its implementation, and the community and government
have not maximised the services provided. In order for the policies or programs
implemented to be in line with government needs, it is necessary to take specific concrete
steps to ensure that work procedures are implemented correctly and consistently and that
coordination between various implementing institutions or organisations runs smoothly
in accordance with applicable regulationsneighbourhoods and places in Bekasi City.
4. Attitude/disposition factors of the executors
The effectiveness of a public policy is primarily determined by the attitude of the
person implementing the policy toward the policy. Since the current laws and regulations
are not made by local communities who are well aware of the obstacles and problems
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they face, this is very possible. An individual's ability and desire to implement a policy
can be influenced by three distinct response elements: first, knowledge (cognition),
understanding, and awareness of the policy; second, response orientation, or the ability to
accept, be neutral, or reject (acceptance, neutrality, and reject); and third, policy
According to some PGD stakeholders, the purpose of the KS-NIK policy is to
provide equal services to all communities without prejudice. To address the interests of
the community in this example, the KS-NIK program's position, authority, and knowledge
of the implementer become very decisive. The purpose of the KS-NIK strategy needs to
be seen from its impact, not from its rapid measurement. Can the interests of the
community be accommodated with the policies implemented by the Bekasi City
Government? A healthy Indonesian population is the ultimate goal of KS-NIK. The
choices taken are not in accordance with the political goals of the central government,
which is what causes the Bekasi City Regional Health Insurance policy not to be
effectively implemented.
There is a correlation between the expected results and differences in views from
parties who have power and responsibility in implementing KS-NIK policies. Often, the
public is misinformed and confused by the information provided by the implementing
party. A policy on paper is not a policy in practice; Awareness and direction of
implementers are needed so that policies are objective and on target, relating to human
resource skills.
The findings of the analysis show that, in theory, the awareness, direction, and
intensity of responsibility for the implementation of the Regional Health Insurance
program policy to improve the health status of Bekasi City can help its implementation
gently and sustainably. This will allow the policy to be well developed and, ultimately,
generate satisfaction among residents of Bekasi City.
5. Interorganizational Communication Factors
Interaction behaviour, the main focus in understanding organisations as complex
systems with interdependent components, is the organisation. The same thing happened
to the Bekasi City Government KS-NIK project, which aims to provide health services to
all its citizens. KS-NIK is available for Bekasi City residents in hospitals that have
collaborated with the local government without having to pay premiums and fees or
require references to access health services.
Organisational relationships must be managed so that implementers can
communicate effectively, consistently, and universally when carrying out work
communication with other elements in the company. Please make sure there are no events
that can interfere with the production process because they are lost. This aims to develop
a government work communication system while implementing programs such as KS-
NIK Bekasi City. Since the source of the error or weakness can be identified quickly, any
problems that arise can also be corrected immediately. Often, the interaction between
superiors and subordinates can be used to exercise various kinds of social control. A
process of interaction involving all members, from the highest level (leadership) to the
lowest level (workers or subordinates), is necessary to meet organisational goals. If there
is an effective communication system in place that can help members communicate with
each other and prevent grouping, organisational goals will be successfully achieved.
6. Economic, social and political environmental factors to ensure the smooth running of
the KS-NIK health insurance program, which is expected to improve the health of 2.6
million Bekasi City residents; the city's economic, social, and political climate must
Implementation of Bekasi City Regional Health Insurance Program Implementation
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be aligned. This is because Bekasi is a modern metropolitan city with an established
population diversity. With an APBD of Rp6.4 trillion in 2019, Bekasi City
experienced economic expansion accompanied by an increase in social, cultural, and
political elements. This shows that Bekasi City is a metropolitan city that is
increasingly dynamic and economically prosperous, in addition to acting as a buffer
city for Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. As a result of living in a multicultural city,
Bekasi residents have internalised and continue to uphold the principles of tolerance,
diversity, and pluralism.
A tolerant attitude, according to Bekasi City residents, is an attitude that prohibits
prejudice in all its forms, including but not limited to social, cultural, and religious.
Bekasi City has benefited tremendously from JAMKESDA. When people are sick, they
feel cared for and their needs met. Bekasi City residents highly anticipate the KS-NIK
program because of its accessibility. It should be appreciated that this health service
policy is based on KS-NIK. The health service system in Bekasi City also benefits.
Unfortunately, there are still individuals and groups who seek to undermine the long-
term viability of the KS-NIK-based healthcare model. Those who want to undermine the
long-term continuity of health services based on KS-NIK have no compassion for the
suffering of the community. It seems doubtful that they have any solidarity with the
suffering of the people. Ensuring access to healthcare for all citizens is the goal of this
program. Therefore, it must receive unlimited financial, social, and political support.
Community satisfaction is still supported by the community's ability to run the
social environment and living conditions as well as community service functions. One
indicator of the effectiveness of service governance in the health sector is the Bekasi
City government's efforts to improve service quality while maintaining community
satisfaction through the Health Office, Bekasi City Regional Hospital, and other referral
institutions. The Bekasi Regional Government gives high priority to improving the
standard of community satisfaction with community services. On the one hand, there is
an increase in public demand for the Bekasi City Regional Government to utilise the
KS-NIK Program to improve the quality of services as they have always wanted in this
period of regional autonomy. This request is based on the knowledge and experience
they have gained. In reality, the people of Bekasi City's access to health services is still
constrained by a number of problems.
There are several conclusions that researchers can draw from research and
discussions related to the implementation of the Bekasi City Regional Health Insurance
policy. This includes the following: social, economic, and political environment;
Resources; the character of the organisation that will be responsible for implementing the
policy; the attitude of the employees who will be responsible for carrying it out; and
finally, the standard, purpose, and size factors of the policy. The District Health Insurance
Program has been well designed. However, problems remain due to a lack of attention to
the elements of policy resources and the personal qualities of those tasked with
implementing the program.
Of course, this is not the most efficient way, especially in the framework of the
Regional Public Health Insurance Program based on Family Cards and Identity Numbers,
to provide quality public services. In addition, researchers found fresh information that
might facilitate Regional Health Insurance Policies or Programs for People in Bekasi City
Athiyyah Yuan Sabina
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based on Family Cards and Identity Numbers related to socialisation, synergy, and
Implementation of Bekasi City Regional Health Insurance Program Implementation
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