Implementation of Bekasi City Regional Health Insurance Program Implementation
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1369
One component that contributes significantly to improving public health is health
insurance. Meeting a number of criteria related to health insurance, such as access to
health services, financial resources, human resources, medical devices, and legislation, is
essential in the implementation of health insurance in a country (Iffan, 2023). This results
in a synergistic effect between all elements that support the success of health insurance.
Different healthcare systems and health insurance distribution policies exist in different
parts of the world (Eviany & Sutiyo, 2023). Since 2004, the Indonesian government has
made the provision of health insurance a top priority to fulfil its duty to protect the entire
population from various health risks and problems (Faradila, 2021). One of the first things
the government did to overcome the difficulties of the people, especially people with low
incomes, in obtaining and paying for health services was to develop a health insurance
program. On the other hand, the shift to universal healthcare coverage is now underway.
The basic principles of the health insurance program have been regulated in Law No. 40
of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN Law), which mandates
that all Indonesian citizens have access to comprehensive health services (Alamsyah et
al., 2021).
Because of its status as a local government in Indonesia, the Bekasi City Government
considers it an obligation of its citizens to ensure that its citizens have access to health
insurance (Karim et al., 2018). Therefore, Bekasi City issued Bekasi Mayor Regulation
Number 27. A of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Regional Health Insurance
Programs for the Community Based on Family Cards and Identity Numbers in Bekasi
City, an official establishment of a regional health insurance service program in Bekasi
City. City. The Bekasi City Health Card, based on the National Guarantee Card (NIK), is
a public health insurance program for people who receive funding from sources other
than the BPJS quota. The goal is to help the city achieve its vision and mission, which is
to become "Smart, Creative, Advanced, Prosperous, and Ihsan." The Bekasi City Health
Card, supported by NIK, was created to answer the need for health insurance for people
in the Bekasi City area. The main goal is to simplify the process of obtaining medical
care for the people living there (Dachi, 2017). This NIK-based Health Card is believed to
enable the Bekasi City Government and its people to get excellent health services, thus
contributing to the city's efforts towards an advanced, prosperous, and healthy city
(Astari, 2020).
JAMKESDA (Health Card) Because Bekasi City is ready to face this challenge, the
author believes that an implementation study needs to be carried out in order to produce
data that can be used to improve public health. Regarding the Regional Health Insurance
program (Kartu et al.) implemented by the Bekasi City Regional Government, the author
assesses that in its implementation, there are a number of challenges that arise so that
they cannot function effectively and meet the aspirations of the community residents of
Bekasi City. Bekasi Sehat Card is an initiative of the Bekasi City Government that
provides health services to all its citizens. A significant innovation is the NIK-based
Bekasi Sehat Card scheme. Bekasi City residents can use this card to access hospital
health services without requiring referrals or paying premiums or fees. The importance
of public health is a shared task. Not only the city government but also all elements of
society in Bekasi City. Starting from medical personnel, excellent health services,
adequate health facilities, and other health support facilities, the government provides
health infrastructure and facilities. Each program received active participation and
support from other segments of society Bekasi Sehat Card for a bright, imaginative,
cutting-edge, prosperous, and respectable Bekasi City.