Hidayah Budi Qur’ani, Tuti Kusniarti, Desy Rufaidah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1306
neighbourhood. The condition of Yuni's living environment, which has low economic and
educational levels, causes the mindset of the people depicted in the novel very narrow.
This can be seen from the way they perceive the position of women.
In the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini, the position of women is
considered unimportant. It even raises the stigma that women do not need to be highly
educated to become wives and mothers. So, if a woman behaves differently from other
women, there will be a sneer to the woman.
Sneer and negative stigma experienced by Yuni Character. Yuni is described as a
female figure who goes against the community's mindset in her neighbourhood. One of
the resistances made by Yuni's character was his rejection of proposals twice when he
was still in high school. The behaviour described by Yuni's character is very contrary to
the social conditions of the community where Yuni lives, causing a sneer against her and
even the assumption that if she rejects the proposal more than once, she will never marry.
Yuni's resistance is also depicted when she likes purple. The colour purple is identified
in society with the colour of widows, but it does not shake Yuni's interest in purple; she
even dyed her hair purple as a self-expression.
Resistance or resistance can be interpreted as an effort made by the weak party
against the powerful party. States that resistance focuses on forms of resistance that exist
and occur in everyday life. Thus, Scoot divides resistance into two forms: (1) open
resistance, which is organised, systematic, and principled. Open resistance manifests as
rebellion, and (2) closed resistance is rejecting things forced on society—gossip or
(Rahmawati et al., 2021) You are positing that Resistance does not necessarily
mean resisting in the sense of undermining power. The form of resistance itself, according
to James Scott, can be manifested in two forms, namely (1) open resistance (public
transcript) in front of many people, such as girls, against the dominance of the firm
(parents and husbands), and (2) closed resistance (hidden transcript), outside the "stage"
such as girls against secretly or hidden against the strong.
So far, research that raises the object of study of Yuni novels by Ade Ubaidil and
Kamila Andini has been carried out, namely by (Lestari & Meliasanti, 2022) entitled "The
Image of Women in Yuni Novel by Ade Ubaidil (Marxist et al.)". This study describes
the position of female characters, forms of women's injustice, and women's efforts to
release the shackles of patriarchy in Ade Ubaidil's Yuni novel. This research focuses on
women's positions, such as education, career and status. Women in society have a position
as a family need, are willing to sacrifice, have independent attitudes, and have self-
esteem. At the same time, forms of women's inequality include arranged marriages, not
having the right to vote, marrying at a young age, differences in the treatment of women
and counter-feminism actions. Finally, it is about efforts to release the shackles carried
out by women, namely daring to express opinions and make decisions for themselves.
Other studies that discuss women's resistance include (Muftiandar, 2021),
(Susilastri, 2020), (Intan, 2020), (Nugraha & Suyitno, 2019), (Susilowati & Indarti,
2018), dan (Harjito, 2019) which examines related to resistance carried out by women.