E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 1401
Stereographic For Development of Stricture Pattern of
Geological Alteration Zone in Atauro Island, Timor-Leste
Nazario Gomes
, Sutarto
, Joko Soesilo
, Heru Sigit Purwanto
, James
Universitas Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
E-mail: alvianogomes@gmail.com
*Correspondence: alvianogomes@gmail.com
Development Pattern,
Structure, Geological
Alteration Zone, Atauro
The geological structural patterns and hydrothermal
alteration zones of Atauro Island, Timor-Leste, which are
influenced by the collision mechanism between the Banda
Arc and the Australian Continent, are the subject of this
study. The study identifies fault types and alteration zones
through stereographic analysis. It indicates the possibility of
mineralisation in the area. Four alteration zones were
identified in this study: argillic, Propylitic, calcosite, and
geotite. The analysis results show that left-striking and
normal faulting were essential in forming these zones. The
mineralisation zones, mainly chalcopyrite and chalcocite,
are related to the north-northeast trending left horizontal
Fault. In addition, this study suggests additional research that
includes mineralogy, geochemical, and geophysical analyses
to understand more about the characteristics of hydrothermal
alteration zones and possible mineralisation on Atauro
Island. The results of this study are expected to improve our
understanding of mineral resources in the region, and it is
suggested that this information be considered by authorities
responsible for the management of potential natural
resources on Atauro Island, Timor.
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Geological structure is a science that studies essential aspects to determine the stress
pattern in a research area. This paper discusses the geological structure of marginal basins
in the South Banda Basin. It includes the northern parts of Alor, Atauro, Liran, Kisar, and
Wetar Islands (Maneerat et al., 2022). The arc-continent collision mechanism between
the Banda Arc and the Australian Continent influences this structure.
The study found that four areas at the Makili, Villa, Berau, and Bikeli sites in Atauro
experienced hydrothermal alteration (Aisabokhae et al., 2023). Such changes are argillic;
outer Propylitic, phillic, and advanced argillic changes are the types of changes produced
by (Aisabokhae et al., 2023). The Villa, Makili, Pala, Berau, and Atauro sites are
lithologically dominated by porphyritic, partly andesitic, dacitic, andesite rocks with
Nazario Gomes, Sutarto, Joko Soesilo, Heru Sigit Purwanto, James Christopher
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 1402
silicic, propylitic, and argillic Filik alteration. Normal faulting is joint and shows a
radiation pattern around the Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic bodies, which still look ideal).
Therefore, this four-region trend defines the left horizontal fault zone, which consists of
both a strike-slip and a strike-slip zone. The left horizontal Fault is a mineralisation
trapline that hosts significant sulphide mineralisation (Govil et al., 2021). Submarine
Hydrothermal Systems: Dispersal Centers and Island Arcs interest researchers because of
the hydrothermal fluid systems in the Island's arc (Pirajno, 2012). These characteristics
suggest that the general process leads to hydrothermal fluids forming and transporting
precipitates of metallic minerals such as Au, Ag, Cu, Zn, and Pb. However, these features
are not yet diagnostic enough to generate a widely accepted genetic model. In the
mineralisation zone map, two geological structure models are proposed to indicate the
origin of Cu, Ag, Pb, and Zn elements. This model is the hydrothermal mineralisation
zone model described in Figure 10 on the alteration and mineralisation zone model map
of the study area, where mineralisation originates from magma, and the mineralisation
model to determine the mineral elements originating from the earth's crust through
meteoric and hydrothermal water fluids formed in brittle fault structures. This fluid
pathway initiated the Cu, Ag, Pb, and Zn mineralisation in the Atauro Island study area.
In the weak zone, hydrothermal fluids pass through faults and brittle zones. Stereographic
programs are often used to determine the movement of structural patterns as traps in the
formation of mineralisation and faults that occur in the study area. The results of
geological structure modelling and analysis of general structural direction patterns, vein-
style Cu, Ag, Pb, and Zn mineralisation are associated with significant N-S and B-T
faults, particularly the Villa, Berau, and Makili Pala faults (Brookhian et al., 2020).
Geological structures are still used to name faults and breccias at Atauro, Timor-Leste, to
develop alteration and mineralisation models.
Subduction and accompanying volcanism spread systematically over an area that
progressively expanded away from the continents towards the oceans during the tectonic
evolution of the Indonesian Archipelago from the Late Paleozoic to the Pliocene Katili,
Research Methods
In this study, the phenomena observed were the following: The analysis was
characterised by three specific zones: thrust zone, proto-thrust zone, and normal fault
zone, where the boundary between frontal thrust and frontal deformation separates each
Alteration zones: This study reports four altered zones at Makili, Villa, Pala, Berau,
and Atauro, and all four zones have undergone hydrothermal alteration. The resulting
alteration types are quartz and clay: argillic alteration, propylitic alteration, dolomitic
alteration, and chloritic alteration of quartz, clay, and sericiteFilik (Figure 7d) (Govil
et al., 2021) on Atauro Island, East Timor.
This research collects secondary data from several observation locations or samples to
describe specific characteristics or phenomena. In this study, the data collected are on
Stereographic For Development of Stricture Pattern of Geological Alteration Zone in
Atauro Island, Timor-Leste
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 1403
strike/dip measurements of bridles, faults, structural patterns, and geological alteration
zones on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste (Fu et al., 2023).
The samples in this study are four geological alteration zones selected at the
location and map of the alteration zone purposefully. A purposive sample was selected
considering the geological alteration zone has different characteristics.
The instruments used in this research are geological maps and DEM (Digital Elevation
Model) (Khalid et al., 2016). (Figure 8a dan 8b) to analyse kinematics and relate
structures to each other and the tectonic setting, making it possible to determine the
genetics of the geological structures developed in the study area. Fractures, volcanic
breccias, slickensides, and variations in dip and strike over small distances, as well as
uplift and depression structures, indicate the performance of faults acting in the area,
which play an essential role in the geometry and distribution of mineralised masses
(Brookhian et al., 2020) and satellite imagery and field data. Geological maps (Figure 11)
were used to determine the characteristics of rocks on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste.
Satellite imagery determines the pattern of geological structures on Atauro Island, Timor-
Leste. Field data was used to observe geological alteration zones on Atauro Island, Timor-
Leste, directly.
The research procedures carried out in this study are as follows:
Conduct a literature study to determine the characteristics of rocks and geological
alteration zones. I am analysing geological maps to determine the distribution of rocks on
Atauro Island, Timor-Leste, and satellite images to determine the pattern of geological
structures on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste. Conduct field observations of geological
alteration zones on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste. Data analysis will be conducted to
analyse the structural pattern of the geological alteration zone on Atauro Island, Timor-
Results and Discussions
The geological structure pattern on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste, is dominated by
normal Fault and shear fault structures. From the results of the alignment analysis, Atauro
Island is dominated by the alignment with the general direction of east-northeast-west-
west-west-west-west-west- -west southwest, followed by the relative alignment of north-
south to northwest-southeast. The east-northwest alignment is due to the structure that
developed the Escarpment Villa segment. The northwest-southeast alignment is a valley
resulting from erosion along the fault line. The north-south alignment pattern may be
related to structures developed in the island's northern part. After the collision at the
Sunda-Banda Trough, the initial recession system formed from the mid-Miocene to the
Pliocene subduction of the lithosphere from the Jurassic and Cretaceous oceans (Figure
2). When the most recent Pliocene Scott Plateau of the Australian continental margin
entered the trench, accessory inflation increased significantly, transforming it into a new
continental front fold and thrust belt (Figure 1).
Over the last 5 million years, subduction occurred where the Australian Oceanic
Crust subducted beneath the Banda Arc and produced Banda Arc volcanism (Figure 2)
Tate et al., (2015). Subduction of the continental crust produced natural basaltic
magmatism, resulting in the volcanism of the Gunung Berau-Tutonair subduction
volcanism zone Harris, (2011). The stresses acting in this phase are compression forces
with a north-northeast-south-southwest orientation, such as the direction of movement of
the subducted plate, in the appendix images of outcrops 4, 5a, and 5b.
Nazario Gomes, Sutarto, Joko Soesilo, Heru Sigit Purwanto, James Christopher
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 1404
Moving from subduction to collision in the Banda Arc, the global positioning
system experiences a decrease in speed compared to the Sunda Shelf (backarc).
Earthquake hypocenters are known as blue dots due to wedge collapse, white continental
crust, black oceanic crust, Dutch striped terranes, green mélange, and yellow basins. The
hypocenter of an earthquake outlines the subducting slab (Figure 6).
This standard fault structure was formed due to a compression process that occurred
in the Pliocene to present-day Kuarte, where the four islands of Atauro, Alor, Liran, Kisar,
and Wetar in northern Timor were no longer volcanically active, and activity ceased
around 3 million years ago. This compression process causes the formation of
hydrothermal alteration zones rich in sulphur dioxide minerals, such as pyrite. The
geological structure pattern on Atauro Island, Timor-Leste, significantly influences the
formation of hydrothermal alteration zones. These hydrothermal alteration zones have the
potential to be a source of metallic minerals such as gold, silver, and copper.
Control Geological and geothermal structures in the Makili segment include hot
springs and altered rocks. In this segment, there are geological structures in the form of
the Kalehura Descending Fault (station-9) and the Makili Left Flat Fault (station-5), with
an additional Fatulela location Descending Fault produced due to loading (Figure 7c).
The structural control of geothermal heat in this segment is interpreted to be caused by
the Makili left-lateral fault system. The presence of the Kalehura Descending Fault allows
for permeable zones, where hot sprays with Cu, Ag, Pb, and Zn mineralisation are found
around the study site. At the same time, the mineralised hills are still cut by the Makili
Fault. It is interpreted that the Makili Fault creates fractures in the subsurface that become
permeable zones for geothermal fluids to propagate to the surface.
At the Makili study site, alteration types are argillic and externally propylitic, with
the argillic type consisting of quartz minerals and mineral oxides that have extensively
altered the lithology. (Figure 9) Quartz fills veinlets, where chalcopyrite and chalcocite
are mineralised, and serves as a base-mass replacement for clay minerals. The formation
temperature is thought to range between 100 and 300 degrees Celsius. Host rock ages
range between 3.65 ± 0.18 million years and 3.27 ± 0.18 million years.
Cross section of alteration zone incision A-A' Yellow Argillic alteration type:
composed of quartz and clay minerals that have altered the lithology (Figure 10).
Pervasively, quartz is present as a base mass replacement accompanying clay minerals. It
is also present in filling veinlets that host chalcopyrite and chalcocite mineralisation. The
formation temperature is interpreted to be 100300 C PliocenePleistocene horsrock age
Propylitic Outer Alteration Type in Green in Cross Section: consists of chlorite and minor
calcite that alter the lithology in a selective pervasive manner, where chlorite replaces
mafic minerals. Calcite is present as infilling in fractures. The interpretation of the
alteration formation temperature is 200-300 C.
Geological structure patterns on Atauro Island (Aisabokhae et al., 2023), standard
and thrust faults dominate Timor-Leste; normal faults form hydrothermal alteration
zones, While the descending fault horizontal fault plays a role in forming the argillic
alteration zone (Prabowo et al., 2018).
Based on the results of stereographic analysis, the hydrothermal alteration zone on
Atauro Island can be divided into two, namely argillic alteration type with pyrite +jerosite
-hematite mineralisation zone, propylitic another alteration type,
Chalcopyrite+calcosite+geotite mineralisation zone (Honarmand & Shahriari, 2021). The
mineralised zone develops on a northeast-northeast trending left horizontal fault plane. In
Stereographic For Development of Stricture Pattern of Geological Alteration Zone in
Atauro Island, Timor-Leste
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 06, 2024 1405
contrast, the silica-alkali alteration zone develops on a southwest-northeast trending
strike-slip and left horizontal fault plane (Aryanto & Kurnio, 2020).
Hydrothermal alteration zones on Atauro Island have the potential to be a source of
precious metal minerals such as gold, silver, and copper (Setijadji et al., 2010).
To further optimise the potential of mineral resources on Atauro Island, further
research must be done to determine the hydrothermal alteration zone in more detail
(Aisabokhae et al., 2023). Such research may include mineralogical, geochemical, and
geological analysis of structures. Here are some recommendations for further research
that can be done:
Mineralogical analysis to determine the type of minerals formed in the
hydrothermal alteration.
1. Geochemical analysis for precious metal content in hydrothermal alteration zones
(Province, (2023).
2. Geophysical analysis to determine the prospects for mineral resources in the
hydrothermal alteration zone Utama, (2020)
3. Further research is needed to determine the relationship between structural and
geological alteration patterns. Further research can be conducted using geochemical,
petrographic, and geophysical methods.
4. Further research is needed to determine the mineralisation potential on Atauro Island
(Inoh et al., 2023). Further research can be carried out using geological exploration
This research has provided an overview of the structural pattern of geological
alteration zones on Atauro Island. This research has also shown that Atauro Island has
mineralisation potential.
The results show that geological structure and fault patterns are essential in forming
hydrothermal alteration zones. This study confirms that Atauro Island has significant
mineralisation potential, including valuable mineral resources such as gold, silver, and
copper. However, further research is needed to gain a more in-depth understanding of the
types of minerals formed in the alteration zone, the precious metal content, and the overall
mineral resource outlook. Further research recommendations include mineralogical,
geochemical, and geophysical analyses to understand hydrothermal alteration zones
better. In addition, further geological exploration research could help identify the
mineralisation potential in detail. The data and information generated from this study have
great potential. They should be presented to the local government and the Timor-Leste
Energy and Mineral Resources office to take the mineral resource potential of Atauro
Island more seriously. As such, this study provides a solid foundation for further
development in the geological exploration field and an understanding of the potential
mineral resources in this region.
Nazario Gomes, Sutarto, Joko Soesilo, Heru Sigit Purwanto, James Christopher
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