E-ISSN : 2963-4946
Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 https://ajosh.org/
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1419
Study of Policy Innovation Strategy to Accelerate
Achievement of Indonesian Soybean Self-sufficiency in 2035
Artinus Hulu
, Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu
Universitas Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
E-mail: artinushulu1708@gmail.com
*, amy_soeroso@yahoo.com
*Correspondence: artinushulu1708@gmail.com
Policy Innovation;
Soybean Production;
Self-sufficiency Strateg
The high consumption and demand for soybeans without an
increase in production have forced the Indonesian
government to import soybeans. Import policy must be given
special attention to suppress price increases and make the
rate of MSMEs continue to grow well. Method research uses
a qualitative method with a literature review from many
literature and data sources, then used to make a policy-
making model based on incremental theory. The results
indicate that self-sufficiency in soybeans may be realised if
long-term arrangements are made for several things, namely
expanding the area, subsidising soybean prices, import
regulations and setting fair soybean import tariffs,
developing the soybean jabalsim subsystem with innovation,
controlling the rate of population, and the improvisation with
technology innovation. Policy recommendation steps can be
carried out by determining import tariffs using an open and
closed system following domestic production conditions,
forming small analysis teams that observe, accompany and
engage directly in the sub-division of soybean issues,
synergy and compatibility of legal products in the central
government related to import excise tariffs according to
WTO standards and rigid subsidy prices below import
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Soybeans are the world's leading source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil and
are popular among the people of Indonesia. Soybeans have a significant role in the
provision of nutritious food, so it is referred to as "Gold from the soil" and as "The World's
Miracle" because of their high amino acids as a source of vegetable protein (Rachmanti
et al., 2016). Soybeans are a strategic commodity in Indonesia's economy, but lately, they
have been experiencing problems because their availability is insufficient for the
community's needs (Aimon & Satrianto, 2014).
In 2021, the projection of domestically produced soybeans reached 613.3 thousand
tons, down 3.01 per cent from 2020, which reached 632.3 thousand tons (Ministry of
Artinus Hulu, Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu
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Agriculture, 2021). It is expected to fall by 3.05 per cent to 594.6 thousand tons in 2022.
A year later, soybean production will decrease by 3.09 per cent to 576.3 thousand tons.
Meanwhile, soybeans from Indonesia fell 3.12 per cent to 558.3 thousand tons in 2024
(Lindblom, 1979). Indonesia is the largest tempeh producer in the world, and it is the
largest soybean market in Asia.
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the average per capita consumption
of tofu and tempeh in Indonesia was 0.304 kilograms (kg) every week in 2021 (Figure 1).
This figure increased by 3.75 per cent compared to the previous year, which amounted to
0.293 kg weekly. The average per capita tofu consumption is 0.158 kg per week in 2021.
This number increased by 3.27 per cent compared to 2020, which was 0.153 kg per week.
Meanwhile, the average per capita consumption of tempeh is 0.146 kg per week. The
amount increased by 4.29 per cent compared to the previous year, which was 0.146 kg.
In terms of production and consumption, inequality is a problem because Indonesia, the
fourth largest population in the world, must depend on soybean food imports because
domestic production cannot meet the demand for tempeh and tofu producers (Indonesia
Data, 2022).
Figure 1
average tofu and tempeh consumption per capita in Indonesia
In 2021, the United States will still be the largest soybean importer in Indonesia,
with a value of US$ 1.28 billion. This value equals 86.78 per cent of total soybean imports
to Indonesia that year. The second importer is Canada, with soybean imports of US $
135.89 million (9.16 per cent), and the third is Argentina, with imports worth US $ 52.08
million (3.51 per cent).
Figure 2
Source: Diskominfo Kaltim, (2021)
The value of soybean imports to Indonesia has fluctuated over the past five years.
From 2018 to 2020, there was a decrease in the value of imports, but the number increased
again in 2021. Meanwhile, soybean imports to Indonesia reached 2.48 million tons in
Study of Policy Innovation Strategy to Accelerate Achievement of Indonesian Soybean
Self-sufficiency in 2035
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1421
2021 (Figure 2). This number increased to 0.58 per cent compared to the previous year,
which was 2.47 million tons (Hulu, 2023).
The next problem concerns the determination of soybeans as a mandatory priority
commodity. World soybean importing countries such as the United States initially
prioritised soybean commodities. The role of soybean grower and exporter associations,
government subsidies, and multinational corporations is critical to America's strategic
soybean trade policy. The Chinese state also makes soybeans a strategic commodity, so
it involves the government and state-owned enterprises as essential keys to the strategic
development of soybeans (Hulu, 2023). This differs from Indonesia's policy, which makes
soybeans only a strategic commodity and not a mandatory priority for domestic
production. Even though society and industry use a lot of raw soybean materials, This
condition causes demand for soybeans to continue to increase every year, thus forcing the
situation to carry out imports (Firdaus et al., 2018). Based on these challenges, it is
necessary to formulate policy recommendations and strategy steps to accelerate the
fulfilment of domestic soybean supply to realise soybean self-sufficiency in 2035.
There is still a chance to achieve self-sufficiency, but it requires formulating a
unique program to make it happen. Many studies and studies conducted to achieve self-
sufficiency targets, such as (Rachmat, 2014), revealed that soybean self-sufficiency could
be achieved through area expansion and productivity improvement, supported by macro
and micro policies. If productivity does not increase, an additional area of 1.336 million
ha must be attempted, or if expansion of the area is not achieved, productivity must be
increased to 4.88 tons/ha. Making a national agreement on land area expansion and
establishing synergistic partnerships with all stakeholders is essential. This statement is
supported by (Rachmat, 2014) institutional strengthening and financing support. There is
a need for technology transfer, especially in the soybean R&D consortium. Policy support
can spur farmers and the private sector to develop soybeans. However, this policy has not
been implemented, so it must be monitored.
Research by (Fathorrazi and Adam Ridjal, 2015) revealed that the soybean self-
sufficiency strategy can be carried out by simultaneously empowering all parameters of
production technology componentsthe importance of commitment from relevant
stakeholders. Self-sufficiency can be achieved by reducing post-harvest yields by 2 per
cent, increasing the population by 1.5 per cent/year, and increasing soybean consumption
by 1.0 per cent/year. The study conducted by (Sayaka et al., 2021) explained the
importance of marketing aspects, the implementation of effective base prices (COGS)
and regulating the period of soybean imports, import quotas, or import tariffs according
to WTO rules.
Research Methods
The preparation of this journal uses qualitative methods with an incremental theory
policy-making model. Qualitative methods with literature review are carried out to obtain
information relevant to the problem to be studied. This information is about theories and
concepts as well as findings related to the central theme of the research conducted.
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Various information can be extracted from primary sources derived from original essays
written by people who experienced, observed, or worked independently, as well as
secondary or tertiary sources.
In conducting a literature review, researchers try as far as possible to use primary
literature sources whose information is more authentic (Ibnu et al., 2003). The concept of
Incremental is a policy that has changed slightly from before. This policy is a continuation
of government activities in the past, which were added or modified little by little.
Results and Discussions
Indonesia's Soybean Policy
In the period before 1973, the soybean policy sought to meet domestic supply
sourced from domestic soybean production (soybean self-sufficiency). From 1974 to
1997, the soybean policy was dominated by more than 50 per cent domestically; the rest
came from imports, with the highest domestic production in 1992 of 1.8 million tons. This
achievement is supported by several policies, including basic price policy (HPP),
government intervention in monopolies (Bulog), intensification and extensification
programs, and the imposition of high import duty (BM) rates (10 per cent). From 1998 to
2004, the role of Bulog and HPP was abolished, and the policy of reducing import duty
rates from 0 per cent to 5 per cent resulted in the shift in the fulfilment of locally produced
soybeans to imports (more than 50 per cent came from imports). In 2005, the government
established a tariff harmonisation program based on a unique pattern, with the soybean
import duty level set at 10 per cent and periodic tariffs ranging from 0 to 5 per cent. The
period from 2011 to 2022 saw the removal of tariffs on soybean imports. Based on the
analysis of the study of the Fiscal Policy Agency (2014), the percentage difference
between international and consumer prices during the import duty exemption period
averaged 104.3 per cent. Meanwhile, during the imposition of a 10 per cent import duty
rate, the average gap only reached 79.8 per cent. Through this, import tariffs are not
recommended because they are less effective in encouraging domestic soybean
productivity and controlling fluctuations in domestic soybean prices. To encourage food
security and self-sufficiency, especially soybeans, more effective tariff and non-tariff
policies such as soybean trade regulation, intensification programs, and extensification of
soybean crops need to be supported by policies to increase import tariffs.
Incremental Policy
The concept of incrementalism is a government policy-making process that has not
changed for many years; there is a tendency to maintain previous policies because they
are considered easier to do and only make policies to solve problems on the surface. This
pattern of incrementalism continues to occur due to interactions between actors or
stakeholders where priorities are taken. So far, the Ministry of Trade depends on the
tempeh tofu industry for importers, while the Ministry of Agriculture prioritises local
soybean farmers. This is one of the reasons self-sufficiency is not achieved, and it is due
to the lack of synergy among policymakers. At the same time, the role of soybean industry
associations is not vital enough for the decision-making process (Maulana et al., 2018).
Charles E. Lindblom, in his book "The Science of Muddling Through" (Lindblom,
1979), explains the decision-making process with the model "disjointed incrementalism"
or incremental model. Incremental is a policy that has changed little from before. This
policy is a continuation of government activities in the past, which were added or
modified little by little. This model is best suited for pluralistic societies such as the
United States. According to Yehezkel Dror (1968), incremental decision-making models
Study of Policy Innovation Strategy to Accelerate Achievement of Indonesian Soybean
Self-sufficiency in 2035
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1423
tend to produce inaction and maintain the status quo so that change cannot be seen quickly
and is less significant. Although each policy has weaknesses, it is hoped that following
up on the flagship policy of the previous period can improve the implementation of
soybean self-sufficiency in Indonesia. Policies must be continuously modified according
to the development of global crisis challenges, geopolitical influences, and climate
The U.S. government has had federal policies for local and regional foods since
2008, such as programs administered by the USDA in large categories such as marketing
and promotion, agricultural business and research assistance, village and community
development, nutrition and education, and agricultural land conservation. The federal
government has supported increasing program grant funding, and this interest has only
increased to date. This policy is also supported by United States legal regulations such as
the Farm Bill program in the Farm Act of 2014, PL 113-79 on the latest omnibus farming.
Other examples include Russell's National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act,
which provide additional program funding in some cases to provide nutrition for children
to grow up healthy and strong. The American government still uses pre-existing policies,
but it continues to be strengthened. This policy also makes it easier for farmers because
the government guarantees marketing and promotion programs for crops, business and
research assistance, and rural community development programs with grants; all systems
are transparent and integrated.
Brazil is the largest soybean importer in the world, 134 million metric tons ahead
of the United States. In the 1960s, Brazil was still importing soybean oil, and then it began
a revolution to become the largest soybean-producing country in the world. In the mid-
1980s to mid-1990s, Brazil experienced dramatic variations in annual inflation rates,
ballooning foreign debt, and sluggish or negative economic growth. The annual inflation
rate soared upwards, exceeding 100 per cent in 1980 and 200 per cent in 1983, but policy
modernisation and evolution have always been carried out from pre-existing policies.
Policies are further strengthened; the government supports the movement of the
agricultural economy, in this case, soybean exports, and provides agricultural loan grants,
land expansion carried out since the 1980s and research cost assistance for agriculture.
Establishing energy pricing policies and consistent import costing also strengthens this
support. The key to this success is also balanced by infrastructure development. Those
policies have existed before but continue to be realised for improvement (Gebhardt et al.,
Figure 3
Source: Statistical Center Body, (2022).
The Canadian government also has an integrated policy from the previous policy;
even after the pandemic, there are many updates, such as providing food banks to utilise
leftover food for food security and suppressing expired food. Policies that already exist
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and continue to be developed are Farm Credit Canada, Agrimarketing, Agriinsurance,
Agrirecovery, Agristability, and many more. Through these case studies, the Government
of Indonesia also needs to establish policies that strongly support the realisation of
solutions to the problem of domestic soybean self-sufficiency. It is necessary to conduct
a detailed analysis of the implementation of previous policies that are considered adequate
in the realisation of soybean self-sufficiency policy.
Production and Consumption Gap
The Ministry projects a soybean harvest area of 362,612 hectares, but the amount
decreased by 5 per cent to 344,612 hectares in 2022. The harvest area will also decrease
by 5.1 per cent in 2023 to 326,861
Hectares, this area will further decrease by 5.2 per cent to 309,849 hectares in 2024.
This widespread decline has a direct impact on soybean production. The projected
soybean production of 594.6 thousand tons in 2022 has decreased by 3.05 per cent from
2021. This production is expected to decline by 3 per cent annually, reaching 558.29
thousand tons in 2024.
The crop area decreased due to competition for land use with other agricultural
commodities of strategic value, such as corn and chilli. The average per capita tofu
consumption is 0.158 kg every week in 2021. This number increased by 3.27 per cent
compared to 2020, when it was only 0.153 kg weekly. The average per capita
consumption of tempeh is 0.146 kg per week. The amount increased by 4.29 per cent
compared to the previous year, which was 0.146 kg. The amount of production and
consumption is evident that inequality occurs.
Constraints on Increasing Production
Low soybean productivity with a high level of agricultural risk makes the
production value and income of soybean farmers relatively low compared to substitute
commodities. Soybeans are susceptible to HPT compared to other rice and crop crops.
Coaching and services for soybean farmers are less widely carried out, so not all farmers
know effective soybean cultivation techniques. The economic value of soybeans is lower
than that of other commodities, causing the motivation of farmers to plant soybeans to be
In addition, without a particular policy that is synergistic and harmonious in all
institutions that favour local soybeans, it is not easy to realise soybean self-sufficiency.
So far, the food development program focuses on other staple crops, such as rice, so
energy, resources, financing, attention allocation, and guidance for other strategic
commodities are limited (Nainggolan & Rachmat, 2014). Other factors that affect
national soybean production are world soybean prices, the number of Indonesian
population, per capita income of the Indonesian population, and soybean import tariffs
(Triandini, 2014).
Soybean Imports to Meet Consumption and Production Inequality
Soybean imports were influenced by soybean demand, the rupiah exchange rate
against the dollar and soybean imports in the previous year. The population and demand
for industrial soybeans in the previous year positively influenced the demand for
industrial soybeans. The price of imported Indonesian soybeans influences soybean prices
at the retailer level; if the price is expensive, it affects domestic soybean prices.
The value of soybean imports to Indonesia has fluctuated in the last five years. The
value of imports decreased from 2018 to 2020, but the number increased in 2021. The
volume of soybean imports to Indonesia reached 2.48 million tons in 2021. This number
Study of Policy Innovation Strategy to Accelerate Achievement of Indonesian Soybean
Self-sufficiency in 2035
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1425
increased by 0.58 per cent compared to the previous year, which was only 2.47 million
tons (Hulu, 2023).
Soybean Import Tariffs and Domestic Soybean Prices
Many factors make local soybean prices, such as farmers' access to markets,
soybean agricultural land area that decreases so that production decreases and results in
soybean scarcity, the quality of local soybean products that are inferior to imported
soybeans (Aldillah et al., 2014). The comparison of corn farming and imports with
domestic soybean farming is not competitive. In addition to its less preferred nature than
imported soybeans, the price of local soybeans is relatively low. Imported soybeans get
very low import tariffs, making retail prices more affordable (Sayaka et al., 2021). Every
increase in local soybean prices of one rupiah per kilogram will increase the volume of
soybean imports by 93.33 tons. Increasing local soybean prices will demand imported
soybeans, considering the relatively cheaper price. When local soybeans experience
increased prices, importers will prefer imported soybeans from international markets with
lower prices (Mahdi & Suharno, 2019).
Weak Soybean Agribusiness Management
The Indonesian Soybean Farmers Association does not have strong enough
bargaining power to formulate government policies. This importer power leads to an
oligopolistic market because only large companies can import large quantities of U.S.
soybeans; in the case of Indonesia, only three companies control and regulate 85 per cent
of national soybean imports.
Government policy has not favoured the agricultural sector and soybean trade
optimally. In addition, Indonesia's agricultural agribusiness model has not developed in
private or state-owned companies. After Bulog was castrated by the IMF in 1998, it seems
the government no longer has the incentive to develop strategic government-owned
agricultural enterprises.
Policy Recommendation Innovation
Soybean self-sufficiency can be realised in the long term through the arrangement
of the following:
1. Area Expansion and Production Increase
The government must expand the production area by inviting universities and the
Provincial Agriculture Office to develop Non-APBN/KUR Soybean locations; then, it is
necessary to facilitate the signing of an MoU between Himbara Banking and off-taker
companies as a step to meet the soybean development target with KUR funds (Swadaya
Online, 2022). The Ministry of Agriculture imports GMO soybean seeds to be developed
in Indonesia with productivity of 2 tons to 2.5 tons per ha. Increasing production can also
be done by using superior soybean varieties that have been produced by the Agricultural
Research and Development Agency, BATAN and universities so that there is no soybean
productivity gap at the farmer level that is not by seed specifications (Nainggolan &
Rachmat, 2014).
Related institutions that need to be strengthened are the human resources of
agricultural extension workers themselves, plant seed supervisors (PBT), plant nuisance
organism controllers (POPT), Farmer Mantri, Plant Protection Brigade, Alsintan Service
Business (UPJA), and so on. The government must seriously support soybean financing,
especially on the map of potential areas to increase soybean production and productivity
through various credit schemes, such as food and energy security credit (KKP-E),
agricultural financing service scheme (SP3), community-rooted Independent Institutions
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(LM3), People's Business Credit (KUR), Rural Agribusiness Business Development
(PUMP), Community Food Distribution Institutions (LDPM).
It is essential to form small teams of upstream-downstream agricultural affairs to
apply modern mechanisation, prioritising potential self-sufficiency in soybeans that have
succeeded in developing soybean production and special teams for training human
resources for priority and strategic commodity farmers. Furthermore, there is a need for
a special team to evaluate policy in the short and long term to assess the effectiveness of
policies in overcoming soybean problems in the field. Then, there is also a need for a
unique team of market analysts who monitor the development of soybean prices and their
distribution so that they are not inferior to specific individuals and that the security of
soybean stocks in the market can be accounted for.
2. Marketing Aspect: Fair Soybean Import and Agribusiness Regulations
The marketing aspect consists of two aspects. Namely, the first is about the
application of the effective base price (HPP) through the purchase of Bulog with sufficient
state budget allocation based on a Presidential Regulation (Perpres), not based on a
Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag). Second, regarding the regulation of soybean
import periods, import quotas, and import tariffs according to WTO rules (Sayaka et al.,
Research (Sitaresmi, 2015) revealed that soybeans with superior varieties have been
unable to release the import trap. The government needs political will to revitalise the
state's role in the diplomacy of international trade negotiations related to agriculture.
Policy recommendation steps can be taken by setting import tariffs. Based on research by
Perdana et al. (2013), import tariffs affect the percentage of domestic soybean production.
The imposition of import tariffs of 5 per cent will reduce imports by 1.22 per cent,
increase Indonesia's soybean production by 1.37 per cent, raise soybean prices at the
retailer and farmer levels by 0.54 per cent and 0.31 per cent, respectively, and reduce
domestic soybean demand by 0.009 per cent.
Ideally, restore import tariffs to 10-20 per cent because it can increase domestic
soybean production by up to 1.6 million tons for every 10 per cent customs duties; this is
added to the innovation of import tariff policies with an open and closed system between
5-25 per cent by following domestic soybean production conditions. The establishment
of import policies cannot necessarily carry out import restrictions without increasing the
productivity of domestic soybeans. The government needs to form a unique team of
analysts for priority commodities (food and plantations) that are strategic to observe
global system movements such as inflation and GDP that occur in the country of origin
of imports because an increase of 1 per cent of GDP per capita of the country of origin of
imports will reduce the volume of soybean imports in Indonesia by 2.398883 per cent
(Mahdi & Suharno, 2019). Implementing policies that involve all stakeholders and focus
on the development of agriculture and the domestic soybean industry is the key to
stabilising soybean supply and prices in the long term (Hulu, 2023).
In this case, they are synergising and harmonising legal products at the Ministry of
Finance, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Agriculture and the House of Representatives of
the Republic of Indonesia regarding import excise tariffs by the WTO and subsidy
pricing. One of the characteristics of this synergistic policy is that the added value impact
is felt at the subsystem level of farmers as producers and subsystems of small processing
industries as consumers and people consuming processed soybean products.
The government must be committed to re-functioning the role of BULOG as a
national soybean procurement institution that regulates the trade and distribution of
Study of Policy Innovation Strategy to Accelerate Achievement of Indonesian Soybean
Self-sufficiency in 2035
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1427
soybeans. However, BULOG's operations must receive strict supervision to avoid
monopolistic practices that only benefit a few people. Unsecured KUR loans can be done
by monitoring and analysing soybean production and productivity potential for
smallholders according to a particular land area, especially in strategic areas of soybean
Furthermore, the formation of a public service innovation team was carried out to
facilitate government access to farmers to facilitate complaints of soybean farmers in the
field, accelerate the KUR realisation process without waiting for a long and complicated
process, manage soybean production mapping and needs in each region with an all-digital
system. BULOG needs to regulate commerce with digital public service innovations
based on the E-Agriculture Government and provide price incentives to farmers/food
industry artisans in case of soybean price fluctuations, such as developed countries
protecting their soybean farmers.
In addition, developing agribusiness models for private agricultural corporations
and the government is essential. Indonesia's agribusiness policy should not be anti-market
to strategically utilise the international market for exporting soybeans and derivative
products (Hulu, 2023). It is also important to cooperate with the private sector to increase
production and arouse the interest of domestic soybean farmers.
3. Development of Soybean Jabalsim Distribution Subsystem
Jabalsim is a vehicle for the spread of superior varieties and a supporting factor for
increasing soybean production. The expansion of planting areas does not develop if it is
not supported by the provision of adequate seeds of high-yielding varieties because there
is often a circulation of fake seeds among farmers. The development of soybean jabalsim
can be done by forming a particular container for the distribution of seeds of superior
varieties with a digital service system accommodated to the centre to minimise fraud of
superior seeds that do not have official certificates.
1. Speed Control of Total Population
Population control needs to be done because adding one soul can increase the
import volume by 21 kg (Rahmania, 2014). Support for population control through family
planning (KB) programs is needed to achieve self-sufficiency in soybeans. In the
simulation program that has been made, it is assumed that the government can control the
population increase rate at a rate of 1.5 per cent per year. This is related to the certainty
of the projection of national soybean needs, primarily determined by the population and
consumption level/capita/year (IK. Tastra et al., 2013).
4. Soybean Technology Innovation Using Appropriate Mechanical Technology and
Smart farming
Using prototypes of agricultural tools and machinery (suntan) engineered by
Balitkabi is expected to overcome agricultural labour's rare and challenging problems and
save soybean farming costs. Using machines can also reduce the post-harvest yield loss
of soybeans to 2 to 4 per cent. It is also necessary to implement the mechanisation of
smart farming agriculture to anticipate various challenges of global crises, climate
change, natural disasters, geopolitical conflicts, or pandemics that can be a threat to food
Smart farming speeds up the cultivation process; for example, spraying fertilisers
and herbicides with drones can save labour and time effectively and efficiently (IK. Tastra
et al., 2013). Modern harvest mechanisation tools can be distributed to farmers through
groups. Previously, farmers had been accompanied for human resource training and
technology development in practical farming. Inviting millennials or Generation Z to
Artinus Hulu, Amy Yayuk Sri Rahayu
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1428
participate in increasing soybean productivity through the assistance of soybean
mechanisation technology and comparative study scholarships to developed countries for
the introduction of the implementation of soybean cultivation technology
Policy recommendation steps can be carried out by determining import tariffs using
an open and closed system following domestic production conditions, forming small
analysis teams that observe, accompany and engage directly in the sub-division of
soybean issues, synergy and compatibility of legal products in the central government
related to import excise tariffs according to WTO standards and rigid subsidy prices
below import prices. BULOG must regulate commerce with digital public service
innovations based on the E-Agriculture Government. In addition, the government needs
to cooperate with the private sector to increase soybean production as a priority
commodity in the context of more modern agricultural innovation, providing social-
health security protection, harvest insurance, unsecured KUR loans by looking at the
production potential and productivity of smallholder land in strategic areas of soybean
self-sufficiency and assistance in the application of intelligent farming agriculture to
anticipate global challenges.
Study of Policy Innovation Strategy to Accelerate Achievement of Indonesian Soybean
Self-sufficiency in 2035
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