Durri Andriani
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 1 No. September 12, 2023 1294
of efficiency in program implementation to support timely business development
Participants' suggestions for program improvement underscore the multifaceted support
needed for entrepreneurial success, ranging from financial assistance and training to
mentoring, guidance, and administrative efficiency. These insights provide valuable
guidance for enhancing the program's effectiveness in supporting aspiring entrepreneurs
in their business endeavors.
The findings of this study offer valuable insights into the trajectories and outcomes
of participants in the "Program Wirausaha Pemula Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha
Kecil dan Menengah" at Universitas Terbuka. Entrepreneurship, as evidenced by the
experiences of program beneficiaries, is characterized by its dynamic nature and the need
for adaptability in response to evolving circumstances. The diverse pathways participants
take, including changes in business types and discontinuations, underscore the complexity
of entrepreneurial decision-making and the multifaceted factors influencing business
Notably, a significant proportion of participants demonstrated resilience by
continuing with their initially proposed businesses or making strategic shifts to adapt to
changing market dynamics and personal circumstances. Their experiences highlight the
enduring appeal of entrepreneurship and the importance of flexibility in business
strategies. Conversely, those who opt to discontinue their ventures provide insights into
the challenges and barriers that entrepreneurs may encounter, emphasizing the need for
ongoing support and resources to address these issues.
The timing of business changes, particularly the substantial shifts observed in 2020,
may reflect the disruptive impact of external factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic on
the business landscape. This underscores the importance of constant monitoring and
support to help entrepreneurs navigate challenges and seize opportunities in a dynamic
and unpredictable environment. The resilience and adaptability demonstrated by program
participants, especially during challenging times, indicate the essential qualities required
for entrepreneurial success.
Overall, the findings contribute to understanding entrepreneurial dynamics and the
factors influencing business outcomes. They underscore the importance of ongoing
support and resources for aspiring entrepreneurs and the need for programs and initiatives
that foster resilience and adaptability in changing circumstances. This research aligns
with existing literature emphasizing the significance of entrepreneurial resilience and
adaptability in navigating the complexities of the business landscape (Harel, 2021).
In conclusion, the findings highlight the fluid and dynamic nature of
entrepreneurship. While the program's initial success is promising, it underscores the
importance of sustained support and mentorship for student entrepreneurs to navigate the
ever-evolving entrepreneurial landscape. The participants' suggestions for program
improvement, including the need for financial assistance, training, mentoring, and
streamlined administration, offer actionable insights to enhance the program's
effectiveness. By equipping student entrepreneurs with adaptability and resilience, the
program has the potential to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and contribute to
economic growth and innovation in the long run.