Muhammad Idris, Dodik Widarbowo, I Komang Hedi Pramana Adiputra, Elisabeth
Amanda Yvonne Kartikawardani
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, Vol. 2 No. March 6, 2024 1410
Every activity has benefits, as well as conducting research. So, based on the
research objectives that have been stated, the benefits of this study are as follows:
1. Theoretical benefits
Can add information and knowledge about the influence of the inaportnet system
on ship services at PT Kartika Samudra Adijaya at Samarinda Port.
2. Benefits in practical terms
This material can be considered to improve the quality of ship services, especially
ship agency services.
Research Methods
The research method is used to scientifically discover, develop, and test the truth of
science. In this context, the author uses qualitative research methods that involve
variables of information, opinion, and observation found during the research process. The
data collected using qualitative research methods are in words and pictures, not numbers.
This data can be obtained through interviews, field notes, photographs, video recordings,
personal documentation, notes, memos, and various other forms of documentation (Lexy,
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection technique carried out is by using observation, where researchers
participate in the work carried out by the company where the researcher is observing or
used as a source of research data, namely at PT Kartika Samudra Adijaya Site Samarinda
by requesting reports - reports on ship arrivals and departures, Daily Report Ships, Total
Cargo loaded.
During the observation, the researcher also interviewed employees who worked
there. The purpose of the interview is that in addition to getting more open data,
researchers can also better know exactly how PT Kartika Samudra Adijaya, Kalimantan,
and Samarinda carry out ship arrival and departure services at Samarinda Port. Data
sources in this study are categorised into Primary Data, which is data taken directly by
researchers to informants without intermediaries or liaisons (Morissan, 2019). Informants
in the Inaportnet System Analysis research that affects PT Kartika Samudra Adijaya's
ship services at Samarinda Port are employees who are directly involved in the work
contained in PT Kartika Samudra Adijaya. The critical informant is the supervisor of PT
Kartika Samudra Adijaya.
Secondary data has been available in various forms (Morissan, 2019). Secondary
data in this study are books and journals and documentation in the form of regulations
and policies related to ship arrival and departure services, as well as photos of activities
in ship arrival and departure services that can be used as data support in research.
Data Analysis Techniques
Data analysis activities are vital in answering problem formulations and concluding
research results. In data analysis, a researcher must have accuracy and a critical attitude.
It is essential to interpret the data accurately and get valid conclusions in research (Zuriah,
2009). In writing this scientific paper, researchers use data analysis techniques in three
ways: data reduction, data display, and conclusion (Sugiyono, 2018). Data reduction
means choosing the main thing and focusing on the critical thing that aims to facilitate
research data analysis. After reducing the data, the next step is to present the data.
The data itself can be presented in tables, diagrams, or graphs. The next stage in