The Influence of Understanding About Imago Dei On To Change The Student’s Behavior


  • Hana Suparti Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kadesi Yogyakarta
  • Muner Daliman Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kadesi Yogyakarta



Character building, Imago dei, Learners, Teacher


An understanding of Imago Dei is important to build the behavior of students at Sungai Hidup Junior High School, Pinoh Selatan District, West Kalimantan, which still has a bad record of violating school rules. This research provides benefits for educators to consistently live and teach the values ??of biblical truth contained in teaching about Imago Dei so that it can have a more significant impact on behavior change for students.The results showed, first, that the effect of understanding Imago Dei on changes in student behavior is still in the "moderate" category and needs to be improved by implementing it into a school curriculum based on Christian character education. Second, the understanding of being created in the image of God is still positively correlated with student behavior in the "moderate to high" category, although it is not a sub-variable (X1) that dominantly influences student behavior, it still needs to be considered and maintained. Third, the understanding of being created in the likeness of God is a sub-variable (X2) that dominantly influences student behavior. For this reason, educators need to put forward teaching attitudes and behavior toward students


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